Afterparty: Join Hands IV & V & The Campaign to End Bad Tuesdays

What does an eagle really sound like? What’s your fancast for the JTP TV show? And are soups and sandwiches actually bad? All that and more on the Afterparty!

Here’s 10 hours of eagle sounds.


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Cast & Crew

- Dungeon Master, Co-Producer: Eric Silver

- Co-Host (Milo Lane), Co-Producer, Sound Designer, Composer: Brandon Grugle

- Co-Host (Aggie O’Hare), Co-Producer: Amanda McLoughlin

- Co-Host (Val Vesuvio), Co-Producer, Editor: Julia Schifini

- Multitude:

About Us

Join the Party is a D&D actual play podcast with tangible worlds, genre-pushing storytelling, and collaborators who make each other laugh each week. We welcome everyone to the table, from longtime players to folks who’ve never touched a roleplaying game before. Begin with Campaign 2 (The Join Campaign) for a modern, sci-fi superhero game, or marathon all of Campaign 1 (The Party Campaign) for a high fantasy story. And once a month we release the Afterparty, where we answer your questions about the show and how we play the game. New episodes every Tuesday.


Amanda: Hey, Hi, Hello and welcome to the After Party where we will never on my watch have a bad Tuesday again!

Brandon: Fuck Tuesdays.

Eric: Four more years, four more years.

Amanda: Four more years. Guys, we did it! We're here for the After Party, not just for the intensifying of this arc in episodes 47 and 48, but also the end of bad Tuesdays. Bad Tuesdays are gone forever.

Julia: They're gone.

Amanda: We're supposed to have one on February 15th; not gonna happen anymore.

Eric: No, no, no. Now it's just a regular episode.

Brandon: I hope you all are proud of yourself, listeners.

Julia: Giving Brandon more work to do.

Eric: Hey, if there are any advertisers out there who want to fill those spots, just, like, hit us up. Let us know if you're around. That'd be great.

Amanda: Amanda at, hit me up.

Brandon: If there are any sponsors out there that want to sponsor me directly for just, like, living, hit me up,

[Amanda laughs]

Eric: Hey, I know corporations are people and we really appreciate that your downloads also count. Thank you to all of the corporations and all the lobbying groups that have been giving us Apple podcasts reviews. Listen, they still spend and they spend zero because they don't matter for anything.

Brandon: PAC is Podcast Action Committee.

Amanda: Oh!

Julia: If there's any corporations or lobbyists who want to, you know, fun, universal basic income, that would also be good. Like, I'll still keep making podcasts but also, I'd like more money, please.

Amanda: And we– we’re not done yet guys. Like, what we're all hitting on here is that the work is not done because we are still creeping, as of this recording, we have I think 34 patrons to go till we hit 600. When we can exclusively tell you, we said it earlier this week on social, that we are going to commission a comic book style cover of the PALS, the villains, the PCs and NPCs alike, the animal companions of Campaign II.

Brandon: Fuck yeah.

Julia: It's pretty good.

Eric: Hell yes. We're looking at putting 40 characters together and I've already made a spreadsheet of all of them.

Amanda: So many.

Eric: There are so many people. I've already had to leave some off because there's just so many I want to include.

Julia: Who's not making the cut?

Brandon: Yeah, I can't-- Like, it doesn't feel like there's been 40 people we've met, like, you know?

Eric: True.

Amanda: They add up quick and we are laying the groundwork but we do have to hit 600 patrons to actually pull that trigger and get this thing on the move.

Eric: That's true.

Amanda: It's gonna be a free digital download for all patrons and it'll be available for sales posters.

Brandon: I do want to know Julia's question. Who got cut? Who didn't make it?

Julia: Yeah, who didn't make the cut?

Eric: Oh, unfortunately Milo is not--

Brandon: Oh fuck!

Julia: Right, right.

[Amanda and Eric laughs]

Brandon: My-- my huge badonkadonk was too big for--

[Eric laughs]

Julia: It takes too much of the screen.

Eric: It's true. I forgot that Milo keeps all of his ghost powers in that ass.

Julia: That dump truck ass.

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: Before we get too-- too deep into the--

Julia: Until we make Amanda too uncomfortable.

Amanda: Let's talk a little bit about--

Eric: This is what happens when the four of us go to the after party.

Amanda: Yeah, that's true. Brandon was saying just before we started rolling that the four of us had not been united for an after party since, I guess, before Thanksgiving. So, let's-- let's actually-- let's do it. Let's see a vibe check. How's everybody doing? How's the vibe?

Julia: Vibin'. Keeping it tight.

Brandon: I'm feeling good. Airport free, baby.

Julia: Whoo!

Amanda: Love it. Good. Yes, Brandon, you were traumatically and truly stuck in an airport in middle America and I'm very sorry and very glad you triumphed.

Brandon: I'm sure lots of listeners were too over that holiday period and --

Amanda: Yeah.

Brandon: -- I vibe with you.

Amanda: I'm glad Eric has the vibe. You're in a lovely, cozy looking sweater about to get some snow here in Brooklyn. How are you vibin'?

Brandon: Ooh.

Eric: This is all I want; is be able to wear a sweater and it being cold out. I am recording this ahead of time, so, Julia, great joke.

Julia: Thank you.

Amanda: No!

Eric: I'm just kidding. I think that I put all of our manic energy that I was saving for after parties, I think I put it into the last party planning.

Julia: Oh, yeah.

Eric: I feel very satisfied right now.

Amanda: Oh my gosh, we're just so fun. If you're not a patron, listen, there's lots of incentives to join. If you haven't joined by now, and the comic book covers what's gonna, you know, really make it happen for you. That's great. But if not, you really got to watch the latest Party Planning or listen to it where Eric had a custom game show.

Brandon: Julia what's the name of the game show?

Julia: Party for Fun, fuck hold on. I didn't-- I threw out the post-it note. I don't know anymore. It's Party for Fun.

Brandon: Party for Fun A Game Show about the person who put it on--

Julia:  Who made the Game Show.

Brandon: Who put it on the Game Show.

Amanda: Who put on the Game Show: Eric Silver's Edition?

Brandon: Eric Silver's edition.

Eric: Y'all missed the colon but don't worry this is the best--

Amanda: I said the colon. I said the colon.

Eric: There are two. It's Party for--

Amanda: I'm on colon watch.

Eric: It's Party for Fun:

Amanda: And then I said colon.

Eric: Okay, fine.

Amanda: Brandon-- Julia roll back the tape. Roll back tape. I said colon. I did.

[tape rewinds]

Amanda: Colon.

Eric: But it was a lot of fun, so I feel like I took all that energy and tried to put it in there which 2022 is going incredibly. You have all been incredible and I cannot believe we got, like, 100 patrons in --

Brandon: Yeah.

Eric: -- a week, which is really incredible.

Julia: I thought you were talking about us and not the patrons. But yeah, the patrons are incredible too.

[Eric laughs]

Brandon: I thought so too.

Amanda: They are incredible. We hit our first goal of 500 patrons in order to go weekly in, like, 10 hours. And then 550, our stretch goal where we’re like, "Let's just throw something over 550 in case we hit it." In maybe, like, six more days, it was truly incredible.

Brandon: All within a week. Definitely.

Julia: Yeah.

Brandon: I just want to say, Julia, I hope you cut out Amanda saying the word colon.

[Amanda laughs]

Brandon: And slowed it down in slo-mo and put it into the episode.

Amanda: Julian's making a mischievous face.

Julia: Who can say?

Amanda: Colon. Lana would like to know what was the most exciting thing about the campaign to end bad Tuesday's other than, of course, ending bad Tuesday's.

Eric: Oh, wait, I feel like I should say, you're all very good and thanks for participating in my--

Brandon: You too.

Amanda: Of course. It was really fun.

Brandon: Mr. DM, my favorite DM.

Amanda: Aw.

Eric: Out of all the DMS you have, I am your favorite.

Brandon: Dr. M. I don't know why that came into my head but now that's what that stands for.

Julia: There's only one Dr. M. in Multitude and that's Dr. McTier.

Brandon: That's-- that's fucking true.

Amanda: That's true.

Eric: That's a good point.

Brandon: My most exciting moment of the campaign was when Amanda said, "I don't know, fuck. Let's just, like, let's just do a campaign to end bad Tuesdays." And then it was like, "Oh, shit." Time slowed down. It was beautiful.

Amanda: It's true. All the hours I spent watching the West Wing while studying abroad in London during the 2012 election primaries really came to bear in that moment.

Eric: Yeah. I don't think this is the question Lana asked, I think the most, well, this idea that the most exciting thing about the campaign is that one, obviously, the fact that we are going weekly is incredible. I'm very excited that, like, this-- it's moving the more episodes per capita, which is very nice for me, especially because I know we're going to do what we're doing in the rest of Campaign II. What's happening afterwards is very exciting.

Amanda: Yeah, we just finished recording, I think episode 52 or 3 and, like, we want to get it out there to y'all. We want you to hear it and so now you can hear it faster.

Eric: But I think the other thing is that it's nice to know that, like, us, and the listeners are aligned. Like, we were thinking about going weekly anyway, in general. But I think that there was-- we wanted to make sure that it was something that y'all wanted to do as well. And it's nice to know, you did want to do that and you put your money where your mouth is and telling us that we should do it.

Julia: I'm glad that our listeners want to listen to more. That is, like, I know that's kind of, like, a silly thing when you say it out loud like that.

Amanda: No.

Julia: But the idea that it's very validating, being like, "Oh, you guys want more? Okay, let's go."

Amanda: That's good.

Brandon: Yeah, I love that. I didn't thought about that yet, but that's very sweet. Thank you.

Amanda: And Moss, A Huge Fluffy Bee on Discord asked how long the campaign to end bad Tuesdays has been in the works? And the answer was a couple of months because at the end of each year, we like to take stock and ask what went well the year before, what we want to do going forward, as we've talked about a little bit as we're looking toward kind of the end of campaign II, asking ourselves what we're excited to do and planning for what's next. And part of that conversation in my recollection was, like, what-- What if? What if we went weekly? What would that take? What will we need? Would that be fun? Would it, you know, keep the show fun for us and for the listeners and one of the answers was, like, we would love to go weekly but we need to make sure we have a, the desire of the listeners to support that and b, you know, all the time that we don't spend making Join the Party, we're spending doing, you know, client work and other kinds of parts of our jobs and, you know, make enough money to support ourselves and so having more patrons means that we know that support is locked in and we know that we can take the time out of doing other people's podcast to do our own.

Brandon: Yeah, that's what I mean. Like, the-- the added Patreon so another thank you to all of y'all listeners of, like, now with that additional money it means, like, if one of us me or Julia needs a break or can't hit a week or whatever, like, we have the the cushion to hire someone to edit that episode or whatever. So, it's lovely and I appreciate it.

Julia: Yeah.

Amanda: Eric, here's some script writing praise. Absol13 on Instagram sent not a question but as someone who writes legal disclaimers for a living I cackled at the one that Amanda read.

Eric: Excuse me Absol, what is it like writing legal disclaimers for a living?

Amanda: Tell more.

Eric: Please.

Brandon: Yeah, you must be a lawyer, right? Like, that's-- you have to be a lawyer to do that? I don't know.

Amanda: I think you can-- I think there are technical writers who maybe draft them and then lawyers read them, something like that.

Brandon: Oh, okay.

Julia: Yeah.

Amanda: It's possible.

Julia: So, I think it's like-- it's like you have to include these things. Okay, this person writes all of that out.

Eric: Well, thank you. That was really-- It was really fun to do.

Julia: How's that baby doing?

Eric: Still wants pomelos. I also now know what pomelos are.

Amanda: Yay!

[Brandon laughs]

Eric: So, we all learned something.

Julia: Brandon had to cut out a whole section where I was googling what a pomelo was, because I never heard of it before.

Eric: I also knew what a pomelo was the entire time and Julia was like, "I'm gonna educate Eric on what a pomelo is."

Julia: I was educating myself and then you also told me you didn't know what it was, so I told you.

Brandon: Julia, was also educating Brandon about what a pomelo was so it's fine.

[Amanda laughs]

Eric: I wasn't gonna drop it in the middle. Hey, Brandon, while you're editing, just you know, I do know what a pomelo was. Yeah, no, we were trying to figure out what-- how we were going to do this. And then we're like, "Alright, let's all do something together." And then everyone kind of looked at me and I'm like, "Alright, I'll get some writing stuff." And then I kind of went into a fug states.

[Amanda hums in agreement]

Eric: And then I just kind of-- I put it out. What's very funny is the disclaimer. I had looked up, like, if there were transcripts of pills, commercials, and stuff.

Amanda: Pharmaceutical?

Eric: Yeah, pharmaceutical commercials. And there was, like, a template for people who were doing voiceovers for pharmaceutical commercials. So, like, it was– there were actors. So, I was scrolling through and that framing was, like, something that they have come up. And I swapped, like, the word podcast for pills. And I'm like, "This is the most weird, stilted language I'd seen." So, I-- I started with that as language and then I put the-- put the other stuff in.

Brandon: I love that.

Eric: So, thank you to that, whoever wrote that thing. I really appreciate that.

Brandon: Mr. Pills!

Julia: Can I tell you a fun fact?

Amanda: Yeah.

Julia: So, when-- because you mentioned the voice actor script for that kind of thing. Legally, they can't speed up the disclaimers, so they have to hire voice actors who can speak very quickly.

Amanda: Whoa.

Brandon: Oh, I didn't know that. So like-- like, Eminem or Twista.

[Amanda and Eric laugh]

Julia: They hire Eminem to read all of the pharmaceutical stuff now.

Amanda: He just does a lot of voices.

Julia: Yeah. I feel like a lot of new commercials have been doing rather than doing the sped up thing at the end. They're just, like, it's like ASMR but for side effect.

Amanda: They sprinkle it in real slow.

Julia: Yeah.

[Brandon hums in agreement]

Amanda: Yeah.

Julia: This may cause early death and also strokes.

Amanda: Yeah.

Julia: And you're like, oh, no, I don't like that. It somehow works.

Brandon: This will kill you twice. And in slow motion children playing in a playground.

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: I hate it when I take my new meds and my palms are sweaty, my knees are weak, and my arms are heavy.

[Amanda laughs]

Eric: Sweater already. You got to watch out for that. You have to consult a doctor.

Brandon: Because you need your pills with mom spaghetti.

Eric: I was nervous. I should have taken my pills right before battle rapping.

Amanda: 8 mile!

[Eric laughs]

Julia: No, it was Amanda just saying eight miles.

[Brandon and Eric laugh]

Amanda: Oh, guys. Okay guys. Avi Davido on Insta would like to just put a concept out there. Okay, they right concept, a campaign to end all bad days. Join the party every day. Fingers pointing at each other emojis.

Eric: Second, maybe?

Brandon: Avi.

Julia: And we die.

Brandon: We could do that. We just put, like, 10, 10 minutes and we do 70 minute episodes, but just put 10 minutes out every day, that would be a terrible experience.

Amanda: I don't know if I could sell an ad on that.

Eric: I wonder how many if I could put seven cliffhangers inside of an episode.

Amanda: Oh god, take it back Avi Davi. Take it back.

Julia: You enter a room. Dah dah dah dah, dah dah dah dah.

Eric: There's something in the room.

Amanda: Frank Party Bo would like to say since bad Tuesday's are gone, do we now just have bad Mondays where we're waiting for the next episode?

Julia: Not if you're a patron that gets the early episodes.

Amanda: That's true or Party Planning which comes out on Mondays when we have them.

Brandon: Julia killing the sales.

Amanda: Yeah.

Eric: I do want to give a shout out specifically to the Discord who popularized the term bad Tuesdays. And now they're gone. I think it's up to them to figure out what the next thing is for us to, you know, co opt and put into our podcast.

Brandon: I thought again, noun, subject, pronoun, whatever etiquette thing. I thought you meant everyone on the discord was gone. Like, you had cleaned out the discord.

Eric: I will do– I'll start transcribing what I'm saying, so you two can just see it. I'll put it-- I'll hold it up to the camera while I'm saying it.

Julia: That would be helpful.

Amanda: And final question in this chapter of the campaign to end bad Tuesdays ending the era of bad Tuesday's now beginning a new era of no bad Tuesdays. Kim and a cup of tea wanted to know what our prediction was for when we were going to reach 500. We honestly wanted it to happen in about a month.

Brandon: Yeah.

Amanda: We were saying like, okay, we're launching this on the bad Tuesday of January, so we have about 30 days till the bad Tuesday of February. And like, I was not planning, I didn't sell ads on that episode, like, I planned on still having a bad Tuesday because maybe we'd hit it, like, just before kind of honor around that date. So, doing it in 10 hours, like, blew our expectations out of the water.

[Brandon hums in agreement]

Julia: Wild.

Brandon: Yeah, I woke up cuz I'm on Pacific time so I'm three hours behind everyone so I woke up to, like, you know, 45 emails because I get the JTP emails to my phone and notifications on this-- on the discord and on our Slack of like, oh shit we already hit it, huh?

Amanda: Oh, it's happening.

Julia: Happened while you slept Brandon. While you slept.

Eric: Well, that's because I was choking a lot of those. People were trying to figure out how to-- how to keep you from choking, but no the other-- that was happening at the same time.

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: And shout out to the Question Surgeon Michelle Spurgeon for keeping that count going. It was so exciting to see messages all the time. Eric was refreshing his phone constantly for, like, two days, and then we all needed a big nap. Particularly you, so we were very, very happy and excited.

Brandon: And Michelle is still doing it.

Eric: That's true. We're at 32 now. I mean, we're still going. I definitely want to hit that 600. That would be incredible.

Julia: Yeah, I want that poster.

Eric: I just want that we're gonna have the poster then y'all won't see it. Like, we're all just gonna look at it in our own homes.

Julia: Just for us.

Brandon: Just four copies.

Amanda: Oh, that'd be so rude.

Eric: Like, the poster is already being made. Like, we're working on it. So like, it's something you-- you have to unlock it for yourself. And we're like, "Oh, nice. I'm so glad we commissioned this."

Julia: I had so much fun pulling reference art for that poster.

Amanda: Yeah.

Julia: Like, going through old comic book art and being like, "Look at this X-Men cover. This one's so cool!"

Amanda: It's gonna be sick as fuck. I can't wait. I can't wait. But guys, we also put out two episodes. It's the last afterparty, so let's make sure we get going on that. I know nothing. There's no heisting. There's no, like, these are hawks are, like, any other kinds of animals, so there's not a lot to talk about.

Brandon: Just naps.

Julia: Yeah.

Amanda: Just naps.

Brandon: Chill time.

Julia: Just hang out.

Amanda: Eric, it was really nice of you to give us a couple episodes where nothing happened and no one was imperiled so...

Julia: We made a lot of bowling rolls. That was weird.

[Amanda and Brandon laughs]

Eric: I know. I should have spent so long coming up with a bowling mechanic. I-- I-- We had to do it because I spent five hours on it, so we have spent two episodes.

Brandon: How many pins are there in bowling?

Julia: 12?

Eric: 10? 10!

Julia: 10. It's 10. I'm a dummy.

Eric: It's 10.

Brandon: It's 10. Yeah, we could just roll a D10. We found the mechanic guys.

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: Brandon. Why'd-- Why did I spend five hours coming up with a bowling mechanic if you're gonna not even know how many pins there are?

[Brandon laughs]

Eric: Also this is D12.

Julia: Your character is the bowler, you should know this, Brandon.

Brandon: That's true.

Amanda: Raven Eye on Discord asked something that I would also like to know. "Eric, did you ever expect to see Dr. Morrow's access cards show up again? Would using the other card have given a different outcome?"

Eric: Well, first I want to-- I've already sent flowers to Brandon's house for remembering his items.

Julia: Proud of you.

Brandon: And it was a real jerk move because I was allergic, so I don't know what this message was you were sending.

Eric: Oh, yeah, I sent five Venus Flytraps to bite your face.

[Brandon laughs]

Eric: So no, I did not think this was going to come up. I feel like we kind of resolved this with, like, the some of the secrets surrounding Dr. Morrow, and the keycard. Well, it broke the security of the OTA. More than anything, I think with this particular "mega dungeon" that we're looking at. I'm really trying to separate myself as the DM from what the OTA would do. So it's not like-- like you broke into an actual dungeon that it's like, "If you come in here, and you get the gauntlet of magic then the world is over." Like, it's not keeping people out. It's that only specific people need to have access to this place. We've already talked about-- I mean, that was a really smart move, because we already know the cross pollination between Hank and Dr. Morrow's ideas and Hoon, and also because they kissed and bone. So honestly, it was an incredible move. And of course, she has full access. No, I did not see it coming but I thought it was very, very smart. And it gave you directly. It was an express elevator to where you had to go.

Brandon: Oh, really? Did I miss? Like, did it allow me to skip over issues or?

Julia: The two basement things, right?

Eric: Yeah, there were-- there were basement levels that Amanda had found in the orientation pamphlet. So, you knew, I think you must have known about that because I think Amanda got the orientation pamphlet before. So, you didn't-- yeah, you-- you skipped over some stuff. But you know, you're going to heist, you want to get-- you need to go to the basement to the lowest level as fast as possible. So, it was-- it was a great move. I was very proud of you.

Brandon: Hey, thanks. I appreciate that.

Julia: So would the card that I had passed to Milo worked and brought him to the level that he ended up on? Or no?

Eric: I don't think it would have been as much of an express elevator. I think it would have gotten all the way. So, you were able to seamlessly go to HS which I guess is kind of because, you know, that's only as far as that elevator goes. And then you have to go over there. And it didn't arouse any suspicion at all. I think if you had gotten your hands on that, if you'd used that keycard, it would have been, like, who is going down to HS, I think is a question that would have come up.

Amanda: Yeah. Why is the guest keycard going into an area the guests shouldn't be?

Julia: Right.

Eric: Exactly. And then the-- so the whole distraction would then have-- The distraction works as it did, because it was only a single movement of something that could have been if you missed it and you weren't looking at it specifically. And I go, I guess Dr. Morrow is here. Maybe. Possibly if you weren't paying attention, but if, like, this employee was going down and had to hit every elevator floor they would have been someone might have thrown the alarm on.

Brandon: Yeah.

Eric: For sure.

Amanda: Moss, A Huge Fluffy Bee on Discord says, "I know Charlene said she didn't have a superpower but is her actual superpower being good at her job and not murdering Juddd?"

Amanda: [Brandon laughs]

Julia: I think all of the members of the OTA have that superpower of not murdering Juddd  because it requires restraint.

Amanda: They could fire Juddd, but that would be too easy.

Eric: Why do you think Juddd is not at the family field day right now?

Amanda: Oh, that's true. That's true.

Julia: I think it's because he's very serious about his job.

Eric: That's true. And women on the internet. There was-- my favorite thing was Brandon going, Oh, I love Juddd and immediately going, I hate Juddd.

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: It's really good. It's a real, like, a friend visiting, you know, from out of town and they're like, "Alright, who do we hate when you, like, get to a party or a bar."

Brandon: Yeah.

Amanda: Like, you're good people. I love it.

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: Julia, did you like that this-- the guy who is an analogue for Cyclops was a big asshole? Did you like that?

Julia: Yeah, that feels right. It feels right.

Eric: Cuz with his eye beams and his ocular pat down.

Julia: I do love Charlene as played by Nicole Byer.

Amanda: Oh yeah.

Julia: Who I just found out is one of the hosts of the new Wipeout with John Cena. I'm like, That is the best pairing I've ever seen in my entire life.

Brandon: That's hilarious. I love that.

Eric: Nicole Byer is cooked. She's on that grand crew, that new comedy?

Amanda: Yeah.

Eric: Well.

Brandon: Oh, is she?

Eric: Yeah.

Brandon: Oh, cool.

Eric: And she's crushing it. It's-- I wanted specifically saying Nicole Byer as an actor is a little less chaotic than she is on like, nailed it, and her stand up. But she then channels it into the lines, which is how I was really seeing and then starting to envision Charlene and the fact that you don't listen. NPCs can come to you in waves. Like, you don't need to know who they are. It's very much the thing is, like, if someone started-- if you started interacting with them and start filling them in as they get interacted with. So, that's very much-- very much I was going. I think Nicole Byer was, like, on Brooklyn 99 at one point or one of those other sitcoms as, like, a guest star or someone's, like, sister or something? And like, that was what I was-- I was channeling.

Julia: I dig it. I love it.

Amanda: That's a great segue into a question by Miranda in discord, saying that if Campaign II were made into a TV show who would play each of the NPCs? If that is too broad, we can also look at the latest episode we have, of course, Nicole Byer as Charlene but also who would play or voice Golden Feather, Juddd Judddkins, the bee, et cetera.

Brandon: Well, an eagle would play Golden Feather.

Amanda: Well, Brandon, do I ever have a visual and oral aid for you? By which I mean Eric pulled this research and I am going to drop it now into the chat for all of us to pull up. So, this comes from the person who knows the size of a golden eagle. And we just like to point out that Eagles don't sound like what we think they sound like in those law commercials and stuff.

Brandon: Yeah, it's a red hawk.

Amanda: They actually add the sound of a red tailed hawk because Eagles don't sound very good, so I am now going to, for the first time, listen to this 10 hours of Eagle sounds

Eric: Yeah, 10 hours of Eagle sounds baby.

Amanda: Okay.

[eagle caws]

[Amanda gasps]

Amanda: What?

[eagle caw continues]

Julia: I just clicked on a random spot because I'm like, I'm not going to start from the beginning. And I went in, like, 35 minutes in and it was just like.

[Julia imitates eagle shriek]

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: They sound like delicate little songbirds. What the fuck?

Eric: Yeah, they're just, like, it's just very screechy.

Amanda: Oh, no.

Brandon: They're not the brightest little birds either.

Amanda: Oh man, Ben Franklin was right with the turkeys.

Brandon: He really was. Turkey was dope.

Julia: Truly.

Eric: I love the idea of, like, there being of-- the Super Bowls happening. And then, like, you know, the big flag that's paid for by the DoD is stretched out all across-- all across the field. And then, like, the fighter jets go by and then you hear over the loudspeaker.

[bird noises]

Eric: I love that. That was-- That makes a lot more sense.

Julia: I will be proud of my country, then.

Eric: Cuz I gladly stand up, gobble you, and defender still today.

Amanda: Incredible. Thank you for that-- for that, Eric. Oh, man. Okay, who would play the bee? I am picturing like--

Julia: Are we not doing our characters? Are we just doing the NPCs?

Amanda: That was what was most exciting to me, but who would play our characters?

Brandon: Um, I have to be um. Oh, boy. The young hot guy right now. Like, even fame from doing--

Amanda: Timothée Chalamet?

Brandon: Yes, Timothée. Okay, so I looked this up. And I could be pronouncing this very wrong. I probably am. But what-- how I read it phonetically online is Timothée Chalamet. Chalamet.

Amanda: It's--it's a French name.

Eric: I love that it rhymes though. Also, Timothée Chalamet after his turn in dune as, like, a pouty space Prince. I'm like, Yeah, Milo 100 percent.

Brandon: 100 percent, yeah.

[Amanda laughs]

Eric: But he shot from the ground up like the opposite of Elijah Wood on Lord of the Rings, so he looks taller. I think that makes a lot more sense.

Brandon: We also do Elijah Wood. I love Elijah Wood.

Julia: It's just very funny to me that you picked the, like...

Amanda: The twinkiest actor?

Julia: I don't find Timothée Chalamet very attractive. I think that he looks like a Victorian boy who has been sick for a very long time.

Eric: I 100% agree with you, Julia.

Brandon: Yeah, ask Lauren. I constantly say-- and I apologize to anyone out there who thinks Timothée Chalamet is attractive but I'm like...

Eric: Timothée.

[Amanda laughs]

Brandon: That person is-- is not. That person is not attractive. They are the opposite of attractive.

Eric: Have you seen the photos from the Wonka movie?

[Julia hums]

Eric: He looks like, you know, in the-- in the My brother, My brother and me TV show where Griffin was wearing a top hat. He looks like that.

Julia: Oh, no. I don't want to see.

Eric: So, 100% I'm with you. I think that was a really good poll, for our reasons Brandon for that.

[Brandon hums in agreement]

Eric: There's a version of Sarah Ramirez, like, 10 years ago, maybe, who could have played Val?

Amanda: Yeah. Or maybe, maybe Bex?

Julia: Yeah, so I was gonna say.

Eric: Oh yeah.

Julia: Bex Taylor-Klaus is probably the only person that I would trust to play Val. There's not a lot of non-binary people in Hollywood right now. And I think that they would do a pretty fantastic job, which is also weird because now they're, like, a friend of one of my friends. And I'm just like, "I could know you. I've seen you on TV."

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: This feels unusual. I would really like Shannon Purser who played Barb on Stranger Things to play Aggie.

Brandon: Oh, I love that.

Eric: Hell yeah.

Amanda: I think her physicality is definitely what I was picturing. Though, I pictured it is kind of, like, less, like, glamorous. And like, you know, Shannon Purser is, like, a beautiful actor. But I think she would do a really good job. I haven't watched Sierra Burgess is a loser, which she had, like, a titular role in, but I think she's a really, really good performer.

Julia: Yeah, no, I think that's pretty on brand for Aggie.

Brandon: I'm just picturing Shannon Purser with a hat, that's also a sword. It's really funny.

Eric: In terms of the I know where are you going. Because remember, the hat is inspired by Mortal Kombat, so that's funnier to me. In terms of the NPCs here, I think Agent Golden Feather would be great as Marc Evan Jackson.

Amanda: Oh, yes.

Julia: That's a good one.

Eric: Who of course plays the main antagonist from the Good Place, because I said ocular patdown. Juddd Juddkins does need to be Rob McElhenney.

Brandon: Oh, my god that would be so funny.

Eric: In Philadelphia, and it's very much on brand in-- in that. I think the bee is definitely, like, there's a voice actor who is playing the CGI bee, you know?

[Julia hums in agreement]

Eric: Like, Julia, you would probably know their names better than I would but like, you know, the woman who was Azula from--

Julia: Oh, yeah. Gray Griffin.

Eric: Yeah. Who plays Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Janet Varney could probably do it well as well.

Amanda: Yeah.

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: So, but so definitely, I want to put a voice actor in as the bee.

Julia: Oh yeah.

Amanda: Or the-- the lady you guys love from Hey Riddle Riddle.

Julia: Oh.

Eric: Erin would be great.

Amanda: Yeah.

Brandon: I'm a bee.

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: I'm a bee.

Eric: I'm a bee.

Amanda: I'm a little bee.

[Amanda laughs]

Julia: This would be great.

Eric: I'm a big Queen Bee. I'm squishy.

Amanda: A squishy bee.

Julia: This is a complete aside, but I don't think-- is anyone else watching Peacemaker on HBO Max?

Brandon: I started it.

Amanda: Not yet.

Brandon: But I wasn't super into it.

Julia: I am very much enjoying it. I think John Cena is a delight, but there is a companion eagle that he has named Eagely. And I was like, "Wow, that's like-- it's a CGI Eagle, but it's pretty cool." And then I was looking at the cast. I'm like, "Of course it's played by Dee Bradley Baker."

Brandon: It's Dee Bradley.

Julia: Of course it was!

Brandon: I did the same thing, Julia

Julia: Dee Bradley Baker, Voice of literally everything you've ever seen ever if it was animated.

Eric: That's true. If it was an animal, it's either Dee Bradley Baker or Alan Tudyk. Those are the only two choices.

Julia: Yeah.

Brandon: If you've ever watched Star Wars Clone Wars. He just is all of the clones.

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: Wow.

Eric: It's very funny.

Amanda: I respect it. The Impossible Giraffe on Insta is Nat who's a molecular biologist and neuroscientist that likes figuring out how Dr. Morrow does what she does. We've heard from them before. So they write to us. Hey, hi. Hello After Party question from Nat your Aussie science pal. My question is: "Is Rose beard-- what happened when Dr. Morrow tried to genetically engineer Blockbuster but failed? Like, I can imagine her getting distracted or inspired by a conservation movement at the time, like, the dodo, et cetera. And accidentally adding or expressing the wrong gene or something or maybe just getting a shitty sample? LOL.

Julia: I saw someone else mention Rose Beard, and, like, something to the effect of oh, they just were born or something like that. I'm like, "They attend college. They have to have a social security number."

[Brandon laughs]

Julia: Was Rose Beard born then?

Brandon: I would bet that and Eric, you tell me this is wrong, but I would bet that they can express their tree--ness more or less, and they're just, like, fully embraced their tree-ness as a-- as an adult, you know?

Eric: Yeah, there are a few different ways you could have taken and I think that this is something that we've established lately, but, you know, like, the Delta radiation explosion, the leylines and all the different ways that people can become superheroes not-- it's not just, like, the scientific experiment thing, in which we started the podcast. So like, it's a few different ways. Like, this could be a Ben Grimm situation, or you could turn it on and off like-- like Brandon suggested, they could have been born like a tree giant. It's totally up to you. I don't have a specific headcanon but I think that it's not just although, Nat, I appreciate you try to apply science to the wild shit that comes out of my brain. I don't know exactly what it is, so it's possible. I don't know if Dr. Morrow is to blame for this specific one.

Brandon: What happened is Brandon the player needed a nice level of NPC to use.

[Amanda laughs]

Brandon: And so they were born.

Amanda: To use his special spell.

Eric: Correct. 100%.

Julia: My assumption was it was very like X-Men secondary mutation. Like how Iceman for the longest time, you know, was a person who could shift into ice form and then he got stuck in ice form for, like, at least two or three years in the comics and then they were, like, you can revert back now my guy.

Amanda: Now I'm picturing Rose Beard, like getting lost on camping trips. And he's like, "What, I was there the whole time?" And he's just like in ro-- tree form in the campsite.

Julia: I love it.

Brandon: They go to chop down more firewood.

Amanda: Yeah.

Brandon: It's very confusing.

Eric: Um, I have a question about episode 47 before we go on.

Amanda: Yeah.

Eric: So like, why do you immediately split the party?

Brandon: I don't fucking know, Eric.

Julia: I don't think we were planning on it and then...

Brandon: Yeah, we certainly weren't Julia.

Julia: It wasn't me. Aggie went through a fucking window.

Amanda: I did. I did.

Brandon: We-- I think in the episode, we-- you went through the window, and then which is awesome. I love that. But then I think I was like, yeah, come back down and we'll all meet up again. And then Julia was like, "Go to the roof."

Julia: I wanted to know what was on the roof. Eric was dropping a lot of hints about something cool on the roof.

Amanda: Listen, my-- the majority of my D&D experience is on the show. And so, I know don't split the party as a-- an adage that people talk about. And we've talked about why splitting the party can actually be really fun and entertaining in D&D media before. So, I mean, no one taught me that-- no one taught me fear, okay? Nobody-- nobody taught me that this is a bad thing to do. And I think that with a sort of, I don't know, it's like-- it's like you unleashed us at the McDonald's playpen. And like, I want to, like, go to the top and the bottom and in the ball pit and on the swings. And like, I just-- I want to see every part of the set piece that we were introduced to. So, I think it makes a lot of sense to actually split up and cover different ground and be able to share notes because we're specifically looking for a thing that if we spread out our search party, don't have a better chance of finding it?

Julia: Yeah. And in the oceans movies, it's not like all 11 of them are huddled together for the entire film.

Amanda: Yes, Julia! Yes!

Brandon: All 11 of them are in the suitcase.

[Amanda and Julia laughs]

Eric: I 100% agree with you. And I think that-- I was just gonna say, in a heist it's a little bit different. But I grew-- I thought that you guys were gonna, like, in the oceans movies, they like-- they don't all just, like, fucking go to different directions. And then like, maybe meet up once the heist is done. They go back to that hotel room, and then they, like, swap out. So, I thought that you were all going to come back together. It's totally fine. And it's very interesting. And luckily, Amanda used all of her key points to stay safe, but Jesus Christ.

Julia: The problem is we didn't have any opportunity to case the place.

Amanda: Yeah.

[Brandon hums in agreement]

Julia: Which is what they do in the oceans movies. And then they come back to the hotel room to, like, plan.

Amanda: Yeah, they know where the vault is. They know where the-- where the things they have to steal, and we didn't, so it felt like there was-- there are kind of two parts to the heist. And one is sort of locating or figuring out where things aren't at least or maybe where the thing we need to find is and then it's a matter of how we get there.

Eric: That's fair. Also, I don't know Brandon is deflecting so much blame because he took an express elevator to hell away from everyone else.

Brandon: Well, I mean, like, once we've split the party I agree with Amanda, like, I was gonna just dive fully in. I-- look, I also wanted to know what's on the roof. I'm not-- I'm not being 100% honest but I did. And if you play the fucking tape back and hear Amanda's sick colon in slow motion, you'll hear me say, "I guess. I guess, okay."

Eric: Incredible.

Julia: I probably would have gone with either one of you but because we split, I wanted to stay in the middle in case one of you needed help, which actually kind of worked out in our favor when Amanda got attacked by a giant --

Amanda: I did need help.

Julia: -- golden eagle.

Amanda: Yeah.

Julia: Yeah.

Amanda: And okay, we've been talking about a lot of division here, guys. Before I go on refill our chip bowl, I want to end on a note of harmony, which just comes from Kim and a cup of tea on Insta. If Multisheet wraps around a gas cloud, Milo and Val heats it, is that a hot air balloon?

Brandon: Yes.

Julia: It could be.

Brandon: And also painful for Milo and Aggie, I think, but fun.

Amanda: It should be.

Julia: I feel like the question is, what kind of gas are you made of when you turn into a gaseous cloud?

Brandon: Huh? Yeah, true.

Amanda: True.

Julia: Yeah.

Brandon: What if it's just, like, helium and I just float into the air anyways?

Julia: Yeah, so I don't even have to heat you.

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: Yeah, if he floats, he's lighter than air.

Eric: Is it that one gas where you-- you breathe it in and you talk really low?

[Players laugh]

Brandon: Argon or whatever. Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Amanda: And finally, wrapping up episode 47 and 48, J Elmo on Insta asks, "Was there something in the server room?"

Julia: [Eric laughs]

Julia: Hey. Hey, Eric, was there something in the server room?

Amanda: When we got this question, Julia, it was like, "Hey, yeah, Eric. What the fuck?"

Julia: Hey, Eric. What the fuck?

Eric: I-- what I-- what I can say to this is that I have been really trying to take middling roles as, like, successes with complications, or instead of just being, like, you fail for bad roles, like putting tags and conditions like you would from other game systems. Well, did you forget something is some more or something I wanted to put in your head because it-- especially with the perception check is like, "Oh, you see it or you don't" is kind of boring, so I just-- that's what I was putting in there.

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: I can't say for sure because we're gonna look at it a little bit more.

Amanda: Alright, everybody, let me go back into the kitchen. Get us some refills on our chips, and dips, and nachos, and grapes. I just want grapes around all the time. Cleopatra had it right. Okay, be right back.

[Midroll SFX chimes]

Amanda: Hey, it's Amanda. I tried to think of, like, a wintery-themed anecdote to start this midroll with. But the honest answer of the sort of small moment that gave me the most pleasure over the last little while is peeling a clementine and realizing it's exactly ripe. Sometimes it's too hard. Sometimes it's too soft. Sometimes it's, like, dried out. Sometimes it's really hard to peel, but occasionally you'll get one that peels just like genetic engineering wanted it to and tastes amazing. And you're like, "Damn, is there a better fruit? Is there a better citrus? What are pomelos anyway?" Welcome to the midroll. Thank you to all of our new patrons. Okay, there are still so many of you coming in, so get ready. Thank you to Emily, Moritz, Lisa, Justin, Matthew, Kazy, Carlos, Em, Jacqueline, Karina, Ian, lexbox, Sara, Jordan, Hallie, Lissa, Sara, and Sunflower! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You have us well on our way, fewer than 20 patrons to go, to hitting 600 which means we get to commission a giant comic book cover of all the PCs and NPCs of Campaign II. This will be a free digital download for all patrons, just a thank you for your support, and also available for everybody to purchase as a physical poster on our merch store. Go to to become a patron or if you already are, tell someone else to join up. Come on, yo. Oh, and in case we didn't say enough because the campaign to end bad Tuesdays kind of was a big thing. We also made January dice. They're super cute. The Nat 1s have a bowtie that say , "Stop it!" on them. They're adorable. Go to the merch store, to get those dice now. It's also a great time to get into a new podcast, so if you haven't yet, I think you should check out Horse. This is a podcast all about ridiculous stories, internet drama, and some of the biggest and baddest personalities out there today. All from the world of basketball. Hosts Adam Mamawala and Mike Schubert want the world to know how amazing the history and culture of basketball is. They're here to fight gatekeeping and prove that this is a great sport for everyone to follow. From folks who are super fans of all the athletics to people who haven't ever really cared about sports before and are kind of in it for the memes. So, go to or search for Horse in your podcast app. We are sponsored this week by Munk Pack. This is a low sugar keto friendly bar that is plant-based, gluten free, and non GMO. They are a great snack if you're trying to cut back on sugar and carbs without sacrificing taste or you just want something that's really good to keep around the house. Munk Pack is also very confident in their product and it's backed with a 100% happiness guarantee. That means if you don't like it for whatever reason, they'll exchange the product or refund your money you get to choose. So, get 20% off your first purchase of any Munk Pack product by visiting and entering our code [jointheparty] at checkout. To get started, just go to That's m u n k p a c and select any product then enter code [jointheparty] at checkout to save 20% on your purchase. We are also sponsored this week by Skillshare. They're one of our oldest and favorite sponsors and a great place to learn new skills, deepen existing passions, and get lost in creativity. For anyone involved in gaming, it's a great place to learn about creative writing, about painting, about describing worlds, about shooting video, about music, anything that you want to kind of involve in your hobby, in your RPGs, or just do for relaxation, and for fun, you'd got to check it out. I even made a course on Skillshare if you want to learn what my face looks like and hear me talk about podcast marketing, you can. Just search Podcast Marketing: How to Grow your Audience in Skillshare. So, listen, go to for a free-trial of premium membership. Explore your creativity at That's for a free trial of premium membership. And finally, we are sponsored by BetterHelp Online Therapy. We talked about BetterHelp a lot on the show. And this month, they wanted us to discuss some of the stigmas around mental health. And I know I felt a lot of shame for seeking therapy when I first did. I thought well if nothing bad happened to me then am I allowed to go to therapy? And the answer is if I'm not enjoying my life, if I want just sort of an impartial person I can talk things out with, if I just feel like there's stuff bottled up and I don't have anywhere to turn there, therapy can be a really really good tool to use. BetterHelp provides customized online therapy with video, phone, and even live chat sessions with your therapist, so you don't have to see anybody on camera if you don't want to. It's much more affordable than in-person therapy. And you can be matched with a therapist in under 48 hours. Give it a try and see why over 2 million people have used BetterHelp Online Therapy, including me, every week for the last two years. So, once more this podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and Join the Party listeners get 10% off their first month at That's b e t t e r h el p .com/jointheparty. And now, back to the after party.

[Midroll SFX chimes]

Amanda: Okay, I'm back. Don't worry. All the fruit has already been washed, so enjoy.

Eric: If we get 600 patrons, Amanda's gonna bring back pomelos.

Amanda: Hey.

Julia: Rude.

Amanda: I will. I'll ship pomelos to each of your houses.

Brandon: Ooh.

Eric: She'll do it.

Amanda: Watch me bitch!

[Brandon laughs]

Brandon: I'll watch.

Amanda: Oh, oh, no. Oh, no. I had coffee. Okay.

Eric: Dungeons and Daddies get on our fucking level.

[Amanda laughs]

Eric: Who threatens that they're gonna send you fruit?

Brandon: What a rude tale.

Eric: Nice. Fucking got 'em.

Amanda: Getting rude. Here's some fun game and character questions from the people. Alright Neela asks, Do you remember Mario the fire throne?

Brandon: It's me!

Amanda: That was created in the after party for episodes three and four the college student that can stretch were they with you guys during the heist?

Eric: No, because we don't remember things unless we immediately read them down.

Amanda: And that was in the after party and not in the– in the party-party.

Julia: Wasn't canon.

Eric: Yeah.

Brandon: Why don't you make up Mario?

Julia: I don't remember.

Amanda: Have you been joking about Little Italy? I don't know.

Julia: Maybe.

Eric: The college student who can stretch, that was Mischa's character from --

Julia: Right.

Eric: -- from Join the Team.

Amanda: Yeah.

Eric: I don't think they're in college yet. I think they're still in high school.

Julia: Right.

Eric: So-- so no, they still-- they still go to the pallet.

Amanda: Neil also wants to know, "Was the invisible villain that Brandon created in Bro, you had to be there, Derek the invisible bard?"

Brandon: Who can say? I don't know.

Julia: Could be.

Amanda: Who can say?

Julia: We know nothing about that invisible person Neil so we're fuck.

Brandon: No one's ever seen them so...

Amanda: Frank Partybow would like to know what color is Golden Feather's tie. I was picturing, like, a republican red.

Julia: That's also what I was gonna say.

Julia: Oh, yeah? Okay.

Brandon: That's what you said in the episode. It was red.

Eric: I think I said in the episode it was republican red.

Amanda: Okay. Phew.

Brandon: You didn't say republican red specifically so if you want to change that you can but you said red.

Eric: Yeah. Brandon, can you go back into the episode and put Republican. Here, I'll give it to you clean. Republican.

[Amanda laughs]

Brandon: Thank you, thank you.

Amanda: That's podcasting, baby.

[Eric laughs]

Amanda: Father of the bird on Insta, very suitable name, would like to know what besides 11 field mice is in Agent Golden Feather's mini fridge?

[Brandon laughs]

Julia: A fish.  A whole fish.

Brandon: A whole fucking salmon.

Amanda: A whole fish?

Brandon: In the middle just, like, jammed in there.

Julia: Yeah.

Amanda: I like that.

Eric: Yeah, for sure. 100%. More, more field mice.

Amanda: How about, like, a really fancy herbal tea that's, like, piney and sappy?

Eric: I like that.

Brandon: I want to drink that.

Julia: I've never seen a bird drink before so I feel like that would be a very funny thing to watch during, like, a performance review.

[Brandon laughs]

Eric: So funny. I really like the idea of there being, like, a luncheon learn where they got, like, a, you know, one of those, like, protein into veg lunches from, like, one of those places that sell it for, like, $20. And then, like, watching. Sorry, Amanda is looking up a YouTube video right now called how birds drink, so I'm currently distracted.

Julia: Gotta look at that real quick.

Eric: I'm really distracted as Amanda is doing that.

Amanda: They did dunk their whole head under there and some water gets in. Wow.

Brandon: It's a real dog situation.

Amanda: Real dog situation. Cool. Okay,

Eric: So, I really like the idea of someone's at a mandatory luncheon learn and Agent Golden Feather is leading about some sort of, like, I don't know, spy, looking out for terrorists.

Amanda: Yeah, social engineering.

Eric: Social engineering and then, like, watching, like, they got, like, a $10 or $12 sandwich and they're watching, just fucking pick at it and attack it while-- while having to, like, take notes while also having lunches is very funny to me.

Brandon: I love the idea of, like, maybe they have, like, a real big aquarium on the floor with Agen Golden Feather which is live salmon and during lunchtime he just, like, circles it and then dives down and eats one.

[Amanda imitates eagle cawing]

Eric: I love that. That might be in-- that's probably in-- on the third floor considering agent gold feather is number two.

Brandon: Amanda, I think if you want to retake that eagle sound effect, you can.

[eagle caws]

[Amanda laughs]

Brandon: That was better.

Amanda: No, they play the sound of a Red Hawk while he eats because it's part of, like, his whole intimidation thing.

Eric: That's very funny.

Amanda: Peggy Pegs on Discord would like to know, "Random thought while getting caught up on the show after the holidays, is the smartest person in Laketown City TM based on moon girl and devil dinosaur?"

Brandon: Yes.

Eric: Yes it is. There are a bunch of all-- of allegories that we found before so Juddd Judddkins is obviously a Cyclops. Lou and Room is inspired by moon girl and devil dinosaur. There's a few more that I can't really think of right now. I think Dez is pretty close to Bishop in my head except Bishop is from the future and Dez is just a real chill guy.

Julia: Dez in my mind is Bishop but with the powers of Forge.

Eric: Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Julia: That's the vibe.

Eric: Yeah. There are a few other ones. I, like-- I had said this before but it was very funny during lockdown, Amanda and I watched a lot of the older Marvel movies, you know, before it was just capital C content.

Amanda: Phase one, phase one.

Eric: Yeah, phase one, phase two. And like I realized how similar Dr. Morrow and early Samuel Jackson Nick Fury are which I always-- Like before-- before Shield's giant fucking thing got destroyed by Loki in Avengers. Like, they're very, very similar.

Amanda: Yeah, there was a really, like, wimzie to Nick Fury that I miss.

Eric: Yeah. So yeah, there are so-- there are some more analogues that I can't remember right now but probably if-- if you're thinking of something.

Amanda: Moss, A Huge Fluffy Bee says "Is there a powered person that has such high charisma that they never get attacked? As in, that's their power?" I love this idea.

Eric: Yeah, probably.

Brandon: Yeah, cool.

Eric: You-- Listen, if you want to make your Laketown city Sona, go ahead and do it.

Julia: Do it!

Brandon: Yeah.

Eric: That sounds great.

Julia: Make some art of yourself.

Amanda: Ugh, we love art, man.

Eric: Tweet it. Just write it up. Tweet it at us. They would-- Do whatever. They probably exist. They're out there.

Amanda: Bernie MPI says "What are Val's opinions on the Italian sandwich? Is the term traditional or has it been manipulated by American culture? Like the genre and phrase 'Italian sandwich'."

Julia: Like, when you order a sub, and there's, like, it's an Italian sub?

Amanda: Yeah.

Julia: I mean, the Italian sub is an Italian American invention. Like, really, like, the idea of, like, putting salami and a bunch of vegetables and stuff like that on a sandwich.

Brandon: Capocollo.

Eric: Gabel.

Amanda: Giardiniera.

Julia: Do you guys want to just say Italian meats --

Amanda: Mozzarella.

Julia: -- at me and I'll say the Italian way to actually pronounce those?

Brandon: Mortadella!

Eric: I would rather Julia than Brandon do it.

Amanda: Julia, that takes away my fun. No, no, no.

Julia: Okay, okay.

Amanda: I can't. I can't.

Julia: But yeah, I think Val is like, it's good. Just like, you know, spaghetti and meatballs isn't really an Italian-Italian thing. It's an Italian-American thing.

[Brandon hums in agreement]

Amanda: That makes sense.

Eric: Yes. I wonder if you're gonna say the same thing as Brandon but there's, like, a real early 20th century immigrant thing about, like, baking a sandwich that has a ton of meat on it.

Julia: Yeah, because now you have access to that when you didn't have access to that when you were living in, like, fucking Sicily.

Eric: Exactly.

Brandon: I was just gonna say I would fuck up on Italian Grinder.

[Amanda and Eric laugh]

Eric: I bet that we had seen the same, like, food science or food like-- food heritage thing because I'm remembering it from there but no, I agree with Brandon. What Brandon said is better. Cut mine.

Brandon: I love that shit. That's one of my favorite sandwiches. So good.

Eric: I will say just speaking of the fuckin' Italian sub at --

Amanda: Street Deli Babylon Turnpike. Thank you very much.

Eric: It's so good. It's the best. It's one of the best sandwiches I've ever had in my entire life. Definitely the best cold sandwich because they put, like, a vinegary dressing as the-- the Italian dressing is so vinegary. That's why it's so good.

Julia: Dude, you got it. Amanda, next time you guys are in Merrick go to My Hero.

Amanda: I know. I haven't taken you to My Hero yet.

Eric: My Hero Academia? That is --

Amanda: No, it's just-- it's a shack. It was probably, like, a barn at some point. It's just like a shack in North Merrick next to the dry cleaner and a Carvel called My Hero.

Brandon: I love that.

Amanda: They just have 12 inch heroes.

Julia: They're, like, just chicken cutlet sandwiches with the works is my favorite sandwich in the entire world. Specifically because it has that, like, oil and vinegar and oregano --

Amanda: Yeah.

Julia: -- topping that they put on it. It's incredible.

Amanda: Alright. I'm gonna borrow my dad's car and we'll meet up at My Hero.

Brandon: I would fuck that sandwich up.

[Amanda laughs]

Eric: Brandon, we'll gold belly it to you.

Amanda: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Brandon: Thanks.

Eric: We'll send it to gold belly, they'll put it in dry ice and just, like, wrap it and then they'll send it to you.

Amanda: Okay, couple more questions from Bernie. "Does Milo have a favorite flavor of salt water taffy?"

Brandon: Oh, I'm sure.

Eric: From Thornhill the taffy maker.

Brandon: Yeah, I think he-- I mean, like, he isn't very discriminatory when it comes to salt water taffy. He likes it all but I'm sure it's not like-- I'm sure that Thornhill has, like, Ethiopian super light roasts, like, coffee flavor. That's, like, got blueberry essence, you know?

Eric: It's a coffee flavored taffy?

Brandon: Yeah. So, I'm sure that's probably his favorite and some, you know, some salt on there.

Amanda: I'm into it.

Eric: Absolutely. I do like the idea of there being, like, taffy and fudge offerings just as much as you go walk into a hipster coffee shop that has, like, single-- single origin. It's like this is a single origin fudge.

[Brandon hums in agreement]

Brandon: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, there's Ethiopian. There's a-- I'm forgetting all origins of coffee as it--

Eric: Yeah, this is like a Guatemalan00 there's a Guatemalan.

Amanda: Brazilian, yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Amanda: And finally, Bernie asked if Aggie is pro hunting as in using the, you know, entire animal and, like, hunting for food and stuff or hardcore animal conservation.

Brandon: That's a good question.

Amanda: It is a good question. I was trying to think about what– about the answer here and I think it's probably airing toward conservation preservation, but, like, particularly for, you know, people who historically and, like, as part of your culture hunt, you know, thumbs up, like, keep doing your thing. Both Preserver and Multitool versions of Aggie I don't think would hunt herself but understands that for some people, it's-- it's a-- you know, useful and part of the world going around.

Julia: Also important for some conservation efforts because you'll have, like, large packs of deer and stuff like that, that will decimate if they become overpopulated.

Brandon: Deers; just big rats. Pigeons, flying rats.

Julia: Rude. Rude deers.

Brandon: Squirrels, rats with tails.

Eric: Correct. I-- Sorry, I kept thinking about Bernie Sanders wearing camo and I got this.

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: Alright. And we have some of course podcasting and IRL questions which I always love. Lotta says, "Super sandwich? It's got to be a soup sandwich combo for me. There's a few better combos in the world."

Brandon: What?

Eric: Amanda said soup or sandwich but she was ordering at the counter in a Long Island Deli.

Amanda: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Eric: So, she just said super sandwich. Yeah, so Lotta asked soup or sandwich.

Brandon: What the fuck is this in reference to? What episode is this?

Eric: Oh, in? When I asked for-- when I asked on Twitter for after party questions. I said like, yeah, ask us about our sandwich preference.

Brandon: Oh, okay, okay, okay.

Eric: Like, a lot of super sandwiches.

Amanda: I like a cup of soup half sandwich lunch combo.

Julia: Soup all the way. I'm not a big sandwich person. I will eat, like, three different types of sandwich but I would always prefer a soup.

Amanda: I know. It's inexplicable to me but I respect you.

Brandon: Eric, I have to leave the podcast now.

Amanda: Yeah, I know.

Eric: I'm on strike. I'm not. I'm learning about this-- about Julia. Yeah, super sandwich. I think the best combo would be, follow me, a cup of split pea soup. And then, like, pastrami or really, or corned beef sandwich because the– ordinarily I'm not, like, a blended soup kind of person but split pea, right? If kosher version or not kosher version because I know that the pork-- using pork stock in that shit is really really good. And then more meat to it, like, savory and savory like that is real good.

Brandon: I'm into that. I would go full sandwich. I always go full sandwich all the way. My hot take is that there's only, like, six good soups.

[Eric laughs]

Julia: You would be wrong but okay.

Brandon: Soup sucks. Soup is bad.

Eric: What?

Amanda: What?

Eric: Brandon, I'm going on strike again.

Amanda: First, apple, now soup?

Julia: I need to leave.

Brandon: Stew's great in between stew and soups, great. Like, straight up soups or it's like broth and bullshit in it. Like, just give me the bullshit and I'll eat that.

Julia: What?

Eric: Brandon, I need to make-- I have to make you stock. I think that--

Brandon: Excuse me, I make stock regularly, Eric. I know, it's just not very good. I don't want to drink my dinner.

Julia: Okay, so you are starting to list the six good soups. Let's hear this one.

Brandon: Okay, well, I don't count, like, I'm talking about like, like, American or like American adapted soups. There's a lot of great soups that aren't American soups.

Julia: Well, no, you can't just say only American soups. Soups are a universal thing. Soups are great.

Brandon: I know. It's, like, classic American soups.

Julia: That's why every culture has soups.

Brandon: Okay.

Amanda: If we're talking about, like, canned Campbell's soups are generally bad. Yeah.

Julia: Yeah.

Brandon: No, we're talking about just soups are the only-- Okay.

Amanda: Okay.

Brandon: Okay, if we're counting all soups, ramen, obviously, is top of the list.

Julia: Yeah.

Brandon: Incredible.

Eric: Okay.

Brandon: The best ever. Then you got, like, broccoli cheddar. Always good. Then you got like, minestrone with lots of vegetables. Very good. And then you got that's about it. I will accept split pea. I don't like split pea, but I get why people like split pea.

Amanda: So, you think chicken noodle is bad.

Brandon: I don't think it's, like, okay, let me-- let me-- let me rephrase. It's not that it tastes gross. Like, it's not that it's bad. Like, it doesn't taste bad, right? But it's just the worst food experience I could possibly have.

Amanda: Like, you'd rather have those flavors in those foods in other forms than soup?

Brandon: Abso-fucking-lutely. I'd rather have some kind of, like, pasta with chicken or whatever and dill and have them-- have it, like, in a hot broth soup. I don't know.

Julia: I feel like we're like glossing over, like, French onion soup is fucking delicious. Tomato Soup is also extremely good.

Brandon: Tomato soup I'll give you the probably second best soup after ramen.

Amanda: Butternut squash?

Brandon: French onion soup can-- it is good when it's, like, really made well, but I've only had one. Like, one in my life has been made well.

Julia: Well, like, so is, like, any good sandwich. Like, a good sandwich is a delicious sandwich, but like the soggy shit that they put out at a fucking funeral is not a good fucking sandwich.

[Amanda laughs]

Eric: No, those are great.

Brandon: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, if you get, like, a platter.

Amanda: Eric loves a room temperature sandwich.

Eric: Yes I do! Oh yes I do.

Julia: No! Soggy, like the tomato has, like, soaked through the bread. That's disgusting.

Amanda: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

[inaudible chatter]

Amanda: That just makes it one big bite for Eric.

Brandon: All pizza is good pizza, all sandwich is good sandwich. That's the rule, baby.

Julia: I'd rather have shitty deli chicken noodle soup than a soggy fucking room temperature sandwich any single fucking day.

Eric: I'm gonna blow both of your minds. If someone for free gave me a cup of shitty chicken soup and, like, a soggy chicken-- chicken turkey sandwich with mayo and tomato on it, I would take it happily and I would sit down and then I would help them clean up and take the leftovers home with me.

Amanda: You would dunk the sandwich in the soup.

Eric: Yeah, and then I would probably dunk the sandwich in the soup. 100%.

Brandon: I will say the one exception to my soup is boring and bad rule is that if I can eat the soup without any utensils and just, like, an entire baguette and that's how I eat the soup, that's good.

Amanda: Any food is good. Any food is good with an entire baguette. Wow, I didn't expect this. It's a real kind of apples are bad because bad apples are really bad and great apples are just okay Brandon logic that we're applying here.

Julia: Yeah, I think that's it. I think that's the logic.

Brandon: Maybe what I say I think is-- I think what I'm saying food is bad-- what I'm saying is, like, it's boring and not fun to eat. That's what I'm saying. Like, apples are boring and not fun to eat except for, like, one kind. Maybe two.

Eric: Oh man.

Amanda: I'm not with you but I'm watching the-- I'm watching the ferry sail away.

[Brandon laughs]

Julia: You know what Brandon, this also like, explains a lot of, like, our disagreements on media to me as well.

[Amanda and Brandon laugh]

Julia: It's like, this entertained me to a certain extent therefore I think it's a pretty good show and you're like, "No, bad."

Brandon: I do have a lot of hard opinions.

Julia: And it's bad now.

Eric: I just love the idea of you two, like, yelling about bad super-- bad sandwiches and then I'm over at, like, table five just being like, fuck thank you.

[eating noises]

Julia: Oh my god.

Brandon: I was --

Julia: It's like well, there's a whole-- there's, like, 10 sandwiches still on the back fridge? I'll take that home so you don't have to throw it out.

Brandon: One soup that I have had recently that I hadn't had before that was-- that is incredible is that Greek, like, I don't know how to pronounce it, like, Avi

Julia: Yes. The like, lemon rice chicken.

Amanda: Yeah.

Brandon: Yeah, that one's really good.

Amanda: I don't know why-- I don't know why Greece, like, patented lemon and-- and other foods together.

Julia: They were right.

Amanda: As a flavor combination. They were right.

Julia: The best part about a bad sandwich is the pickle that comes with it. Okay, I'm done.

Amanda: No. Just give it to Eric.

Eric: No. A bad pickle. If you give me a bread and butter pickle I will come to your house and punch you in the stomach.

Julia: Who the fuck is giving bread and butter pickles with a sandwich? They're insane.

Amanda: Well Julia.

Eric: The people are giving that bad sandwich!

Amanda: Well Julia, the-- the Trump hotel on the east side, which had, like, a $25 or $30 hamburger that was terrible, has literally classic bread and butter pickles on it.

Brandon: Why were you there?

Amanda: Don't ask me. Don't ask me why I was there. I had to. Someone else chose it.

Eric: We had to go to a family thing and someone chose it.

Amanda: We were forced to.

Eric: We were forced to go.

Amanda: They chose a restaurant on the East River because they thought that will be closer to Brooklyn. I'm not taking a boat there so it wasn't. It wasn't. Anyway, yeah, they it-- it literally-- I opened the burger and I was like, "Eric, I smell it. It's Vlasic brand bread buttered pickles."

Eric: Like, you saw the rivulets.

Amanda: Yeah.

Eric: That are in-- in there.

Brandon: Okay. Eric, that feeling that you have about bread butter pickles, which is correct, bread and butter pickles should not fucking exist. They're fucking disgusting.

Julia: Yeah, they're awful.

Eric: Yes.

Julia: Terrible.

Brandon: Okay.

Amanda: I like them.

Brandon: They don't see-- they don't actually taste bad, right? Like, when you taste them they're not, like, offensive.

Julia: No, they do.

Eric: No, I think they taste bad.

Brandon: Okay, nevermind then.

Eric: You can do any-- you can do anything that you want with a half sour. Like, I don't know why you want sweet pickle.

Brandon: I agree completely. Yeah.

Julia: So, that's what I'm referring to when I get a sandwich and there's a pickle wrapped in tin foil on the side. That's never a bread and butter--

Amanda: I never wanted. I never wanted--

Eric: No, but it's always, like, soft. It's always soft and weird. Yeah.

Julia: Yeah, but that's fine. I would rather have that pickle than eat that sandwich.

Eric: I--

Amanda: Wow.

Eric: No, I'll eat it, Julia. Just give it to me. I'll eat it later.

Brandon: I can't believe you'll eat, like, a soggy sandwich and bad soup, but you won't eat mushrooms.

Eric: Yeah, cuz' mushrooms taste like the dirt of the ground. It sucks.

Brandon: The only food that tastes like dirt is beets. We're never getting back on track, Amanda. I'm so sorry.

Eric: Beets are incredible. Beets are-- I love beets.

Julia: Okay.

[Brandon laughs]

Julia: How do you like beets but not, like, mushrooms? That makes no goddamn sense!

Eric: It's called-- it's called trauma, Julia. That's why I don't like mushrooms.

Julia: Oh, that's me and salmon, so I get it.

Eric: Yeah, there you go.

Brandon: Okay, okay. That's fair.

Eric: Amanda's like I have all these questions. Amanda's like I have all these questions.

Amanda: No, I had questions, folks. We can keep it for next time. That's fine.

Julia: You know what, is there good? Is there another good one in there that's gonna send us off on a tangent?

Amanda: Oh. You say good. We have a lot of good podcasting and IRL questions that I am going to save so if you asked us about, like, our process, about podcasting, don't worry, we'll get you next time. But we do have a spice dice corner, so Eric, this is a new section you introduced to the after party. Do you want to tell us a little bit about this?

Eric: Spice dice corner.

[beating music]

Eric: Nat 1. So, SassaFras Jay has been tweeting at Join the Party over time telling us about how they've been rolling their Chad dice because the Chad dice notoriously are spicy. Lots of Nat 1s, lots of Nat 20s. So, on October 19th they said, "Felt like you should know the spicy Chad dice crit for me three times last night and my Wild Magic Barbin or what Twin Wild Magic Sorcerer broke our friend out of magic jail. Love you Chad. Then follow up November 4th, Chad dice crit five times last night which was incredible but then they followed up on January 22nd and said spice update, three Nat 1s in a row.

[Amanda laughs]

Brandon: Oh my god.

Julia: Emily X ray and shit there.

Amanda: It is!

Brandon: Have we done the salt cup test thing with one of those dice? I'm curious.

Eric: We have. They're fine.

Julia: They're fine.

Amanda: They are.

Eric: There is this fight there despite the guys as all of you are getting your January dice. I know it's very funny. We released the January dice and the the campaign just kind of taken

Amanda: Yeah, we promptly did not mention it. You can buy dice of January now. You should buy them at

Eric: The Nat 1 is January's bow tie saying stop it. It's adorable.

Julia: Stop it.

Amanda: It's so cute.

Eric: So please tell us how your Chad dice and your January dice are going, we really want to hear about how they're rolling and how spicy they are. I'm pretty sure this shit is gonna be super spicy for you, so we're very excited for you to share that and then you can end up in the spice dice corner. There's some cumin, there's some oregano, and some spicy dice.

Brandon: Ooh.

Amanda: I will say that people asked us a little bit about merch II. Great Scott wanted a sticker or pin of the queen bee, people want us to make plushies and are thinking about the bee and January and other kinds of lovely friends from Campaign II. I will say that we-- we, like, can't. We have a lot of dice. Okay people? And you gotta-- you got to buy the dice and once you buy the dice then we can think about what we're gonna make next, so if you want something else cool coming down the line you can help by buying some dice.

[Brandon hums in agreement]

Julia: Hell yes.

Brandon: Or anything else you see in the store, obviously.

Amanda: Anything else.

Brandon: We got to get rid of it all.

Amanda: We got to clean house for new products.

Julia: Yes.

Amanda: Well, just closing out of spice dice corner which I love now. Abbie Zalmont would like to know what does January think of the dice? Is he flattered? Does he know about Chad?

Eric (as January): I mean, I don't really like that you took something I said and then made merch out of it. It feels-- feels rude, but you should stop it. I have been telling you to stop it.

Amanda: Oh, January do you-- do you want, like, a profit split?

Eric (as January): That was an option? I didn't think that was an option. You really should have-- Yeah, really you should offer that.

Brandon: What does a rabbit buy with cash?

Eric (as January): Cool jackets.

Brandon: Ah.

Eric (as January): For children and really cool children's sneakers.

[Brandon laughs]

Eric (as January): No, my feet are big, so adult-sized sneakers.

[Brandon laughs]

Julia: January has to go to Mr. Parisi to get the jackets all form fitted but it looks adorable when they're done.

Eric (as January): I also get pants but you got to cut-- cut out a space for a tail.

Julia: Aw!

Amanda: Cute.

Eric (as January): I'm very cute. Do as I say, buy January dice.

Amanda: Alright. And as always, we have to finish in a spoile-y corner where the answer is who can say?

Eric: Who can say? I want to give a special shout out particularly because now that we got fan art of the spoile-y corner and we-- I'm trying to remember who did it because it was-- it was in an email, so I haven't been able to share it yet. But we printed it out and now it's in the office so I get to look up at this fanart of spoile-y corner.

Amanda: Ellie.

Eric: Ellie! Thank you so much, Ellie. It's incredible. We're gonna post a photo of that soon, so thank you so much for creating this spoile-y corner stuff.

Amanda: Alrighty, so with spoile-y corner looking down at us from our bookshelf. Valentine Cow would like to know from Twitter, "Are Milo and Lou just stuck inside this elevator now that Val cut the power supply?"

Julia: Who can say?

Brandon: Who can say?

Eric: Who can say?

Julia: Didn't really think about it in the moment.

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: Marina Enchantress of Mayhem on Discord. Eric, my dude, what's up with all these sentient and also ghost animals? How did Tuna and January tie into all this? Is this because of Dr. Morrow's work with the OTA? Or they just copied each other's homework? In conclusion, ERIC, What the fuck, emoji.

[Brandon laughs]

Eric: Who can say?

Brandon: Who can say?

Eric: Who can say

Amanda: Moss, is the bee evil? Please don't be evil. Also, was their magic hiding the roof? There was some barrier if I remember correctly.

Julia: Who can say?

Brandon: Who can say? Who knows?

Julia: I'm surprised by the amount of people who are very suspicious of this bee, truly because I was not suspicious of the bee at all in the moment.

Brandon: Yeah, I really wasn't either.

Amanda: I felt myself saying I should be suspicious but I love them. And so, we'll see how that turns out.

Eric: What I do like as I was getting kind of close to the end of Campaign II, is that, like, there are some secrets that I want to tell you but I'm not going to tell you until this stuff's over. So, like, when we do the final after party of Campaign II, there are definitely some stuff I want to tell you.

Julia: Yay.

Amanda: Bernie MPI, "Is Gutenberg only able to be a threat because he's learning to create pixel heroes from Triplicate? If so, doesn't that make Triplicate more important than Gutenberg? Also, side note, queen bee, why don't you call hive?"

Julia: That's true.

Amanda: I was kind of enchant. Sorry.

Julia: We were also in the middle of a heist so we couldn't just, like, wait for Hive to show up.

Amanda: But other-- other point, good point. Who can say?

Brandon: Yeah, I wonder. Like, is the, you know, the person that makes the poison the bad-- the big big bad or is it the person who learns to make the poison systematically?

Eric: I don't know what you're talking about. That doesn't sound like me at all.

Amanda: Well, there is a lot more to explore, a lot more to do, and a lot more of the OTA to find. So, everybody, I think that'll do it for now. You know,we'll be seeing you next week and every Tuesday after that.

Eric: Yeah.

Brandon: Hope you don't get sick of us.

Eric: Yeah, also Tuna and Pizza and the Knight of Mirrors are fine.

Julia: Everyone is fine.

Eric: Don't worry about them. They're fine.

Amanda: Oh yeah, everyone worried.

Eric: Tuna is just, like, hanging out Milo's pocket. Pizza's, yeah, like, asleep on a pillow. And so is the Knight of Mirrors. The Knight of Mirrors is also sleeping on pillow. Yeah. With the wife. There-- the Knight of Mirrors is with the wife. Come on.

Brandon: Hey, Eric. Is that motorcycle still on the pillow with-- with them or?

Eric: Yeah, yeah. You saw the image for the live show. Just the whole leg directly on the-- on the bed.

Amanda: Alright everybody, we'll see you soon.

Brandon: Bye guys.

Julia: Later.

Eric: I will eat your leftovers sandwiches. Just send-- send me your leftover sandwiches.

Amanda: No. Please don't. They might sit in the mailroom for days.

Eric: That's fine. I'll probably still eat them.

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: May your rolls trend ever upward.

[Join the Party theme music plays]


Transcribed by: John Matthew M. Sarong