8. Join Forces VIII

The party comes to a fork in the road. What kind of superheroes will defend the streets of LTC? Val stress-cooks pasta. Milo remembers a comic book. Aggie orders a whiskey.


- Multitude Live is happening on the internet on July 30! 25% of all sales will go to the Black Lives Matter Global Network. Get your ticket so you can watch live or catch the replay afterward at multitude.productions/digitallive

- Check out our new merch, a Campaign 1 phone wallpaper bundle, “Don’t Talk to me Until I’ve Had my Coffee and my RPG Podcast” mug and the No Capes superhero guide, at jointhepartypod.com/merch


- HelloFresh, America’s #1 meal kit. Get a total of $80 off including free shipping on your first box at hellofresh.com/jointheparty80 with the code jointheparty80.

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Cast & Crew

- Dungeon Master, Co-Producer: Eric Silver

- Co-Host (Milo Lane), Co-Producer, Editor, Sound Designer, Composer: Brandon Grugle

- Co-Host (Val Vesuvio), Co-Producer, Editor: Julia Schifini

- Co-Host (Aggie O’Hare), Co-Producer: Amanda McLoughlin

- Multitude: multitude.productions

About Us

Join the Party is a collaborative storytelling and roleplaying podcast, powered by the rules of Dungeons and Dragons. That means a group of friends create a story together, chapter by chapter, that takes us beyond the tabletop to parts unknown. In the first campaign, we explored fantasy adventure, intrigue, magic, and drama. In the newest story, we tackle science, superpowers, a better future, and the responsibility to help others.

Every month, we sit down for the Afterparty, where we break down our game and answer your questions about how to play D&D and other roleplaying games at home. We also have segments at the beginning of each campaign to teach people how to play the game themselves. It’s a party, and you’re invited! Find out more at jointhepartypod.com.


Amanda: Last time on Join the Party.


[Music Starts]


Eric: The party drives up to Dr. Morrow’s quaint cabin to get some answers about Lake Town City. They’re greeted at the door by January, the awakened Snowshoe hare. January, who is adorable in his navy blue suit jacket and gold bowtie and is totally fine – please, I promise – leads them into the cabin, which is much bigger on the inside. Dr. Morrow receives Milo, Val, and Aggie in her wonderful invention emporium, which is just her study. She reveals that she knows that they have powers and where the powers came from. Her initial discovery of the volatile element, diaphorum, happened in the original Lake Town back in 1985. Remember Episode 1? And that discovery irradiated their families that live there. That delta radiation, because it’s one better than gamma radiation, made people like Aggie’s parents and Val’s mom look great and have better aptitude, but the next generation got real powers. Dr. Morrow also worked with Milo’s adopted father, Hank Lane, as a part of the Office of Technology Assessment, to see how Lake Town would eventually grow into Lake Town City. Now, they have a choice. Do they want to work with Mayor Dr. Morrow to fight against the growing strangeness in the city? And do they want to be public with their powers or not? Uhhhhh, good question. Let’s get the party started.


[Theme Music]

[Music Fadeout]

[Birds chirping]


Amanda (as Aggie): I mean I can only speak for myself, but, for me, the answer is yes. And we'll – we'll figure out the hows, but I want to continue to live my life and do this as well.

Eric: Okay.

Julia (as Val): I-I could, you know, potentially see myself mmm... signing up for a limited trial run kind of thing.

Eric: Okay. We have yes to a limited trial run of a dangerous Strikeforce to defend the city.

Julia: Mhmm. Sure.

Eric: Oh, that's – I'll take that.

Julia: I'm not calling myself Puncherella or whatever, but—

Eric: Or, you don't need a code – you can or cannot have a code name. I'm gonna keep Puncherella on the whiteboard.

Julia: I fucking hate it.

Brandon (as Milo): Ummm... Dr. Cassandra Morrow, I've been waiting my entire life for you to ask me this question. Yes, a thousand times. Yes.

Julia: Why did it sound like he was – he was saying yes to a proposal?

Amanda: Yeah, I know. It really was.

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: It is a proposal when you think about it.

Julia: Now, for like—

Brandon: What?

Amanda: I see what you mean—

Eric: We're married now. Congratulations.

Amanda: Please do not joke with him.

Julia: You really should joke with him about that.

Brandon: Do not do that. No.

Eric: That’s, that's on me. I shouldn't have – I shouldn't have joked. Well, I wasn't expecting a yes so soon, but I appreciate that you devoting yourself to-to the city and in some ways the ideals started by me and your – your parents back – back in the 80s. I appreciate your honesty. I appreciate your commitment. And I appreciate the cool stuff we're going to do together. Dr. Morrow has dropped quite a lot on you. And, you know, she-she understands body language and stuff. So, she claps—

Amanda: Is that on her character sheet? Is that one of her languages?

Eric: Yeah, she's in—

Amanda: Yes.

Eric: She understands—

Brandon: Body.

Eric: She understands how humans react to things.

Amanda: Nice.

Eric: So, she clasps her hand together and say, “I know we've talked – we've talked for a long time and you know what I love to do is talk about the philosophical ramifications of the decisions I've just made. So, I – does anyone want to stay up for another few hours and talk about it?”

Julia (as Val): Uh. No. First off, I'm not super into philosophy. I got a C in Philosophy at SUNY Lake Town City. That's the best I can do. What I would love to do is, I burned a lot of calories before and maybe we could, you know, bulk up a little, get some carbs in us. I think I could probably make some pasta? You seem like the kind of person who's got pasta.

Brandon (as Milo): I would love some pasta. Are you – are you—

Julia: Alright.

Brandon (as Milo): Oh my god. Yeah. I could help.

Julia (as Val): Pasta. Pasta. Pasta.

Amanda: Let's do it.

Eric: Excelsior!

Julia: Okay.

Brandon: That was a good Stan Lee reference. Good job.

Eric: No, I don't know if I want to say – I don't know if I want to say Excelsior.

Amanda: Do you, do you just say – did you just say Excelsior as like a transition? Because an assemblyman once yelled at me at the State Capitol that I didn't know what Excelsior meant. So, now, I know what it means. Ever upward.

Eric: Yeah. No, that's more of a—

Julia: Also, fun fact, it is the, the state logo of New York State.

Amanda: Yeah, that's why the assemblyman yelled at me.

Eric: No, I did—

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: I knew all of those things. It's more I don't usually – you know, maybe I've just been staring at too many – too much Latin. You know, in my – in my usual studies, I’ll just pop over and just look at some, some state logos and stuff. It gets into my head. To the kitchen! And, now – so, let's go to Dr. Morrow’s kitchen. I want everyone to name one thing that's in it.

Amanda: Extremely large wine glasses. Like, they could fit a full 16 ounces in there.

Eric: Nice.

Julia: Like a very old fashioned KitchenAid mixer.

Amanda: Nice.

Eric: Very good.

Julia: In like Chrome. It's full Chrome.

Eric: I like that it might have had other ones on it.

Brandon: I love that.

Eric: But, eventually, she just kind of like took it off and just put like – it's like see-through. You know – you know those like old 90s and 2000s like purple—

Julia: Yes.

Eric: Purple Gameboy shells?

Amanda: Ooh.

Eric: It’s like that, but it's just totally see-through. So, you can see all the guts.

Amanda: I want that.

Eric: Oh, yeah, they’re very good.

Julia: That's the kind of Game Boy I had.

Brandon: I'm gonna say full-size commercial salamander, but, instead of flame, it's plasma.

Amanda: Oooh, I’m so jealous.

Julia: Hell yeah.

Eric: Ooh, that's true.

Julia: Get that cheese bubbling in like two seconds. Yep.

Eric: I love when my good friend, Richard Blais, comes over to check out—

Julia: No make that canonical right now.

Eric: Richard Blais – yeah, sure. Richard Blais can live in Lake Town City.

Amanda: He's really good friends with Al Gore. So, that makes sense.

Julia: I feel like he summers in Lake Town City. And then he does his cheffing thing back in New York. That's my thought.

Eric: He has a restaurant thing. I think he's leading – the Molecular Gastronomy Movement at Lake Town City is from Richard Blais.

Amanda: Sweet. 

Brandon: He's just spherical-izing everything

Julia: It is now my canonical goal to make sure that Val and Richard Blais become best friends.

Eric: Listen, we got downtime. That's fine if that's what you want to work on.

Amanda: Similar hair.

Julia: Similar hair. Similar vibe.

Brandon: The pizza is about to get real modern.

Amanda: I think Aggie will very familiarly sling her coat over the back of like a chair at the breakfast bar and sort of sit at like a giant kitchen island looking over the kitchen.

Eric: Yeah, I like the idea that this is like a 1950s diner-style kitchen. It looks – it has that aesthetic. But I think I like the idea that you're cooking in it. There's a lot of neon. Everything is like bright blue, and bright pink, and very – like, she has a booth in there, which I find charming. Like, instead of a breakfast nook, it's a diner booth. But, also, there's—

Brandon: That’s delightful.

Eric: It’s – wouldn't that be so delightful instead of a breakfast nook, like—

Brandon: It really would.

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: There's a giant window, but you're sitting at a diner booth?

Amanda: Oh, yeah.

Eric: And then, of course, there's like the – everything that we talked about just beautiful. Nancy Meyers cooking utensils. Like, everything is Chrome and, yet, there's like incredibly scientific stuff like the plasma salamander. It actually – it gives it more of an oaky note. You'd be surprised. And then it gets smoked just from the way the molecules move around.

Amanda: That's amazing.

Julia: Val’s like, “I don't know what that means.” And then just starts going through the cabinets and the fridge without asking and pulling out all the ingredients that they need.

Eric: Wonderful. Milo, I want you to make an animal handling check. And Val, what are you making?

Julia (as Val): Breakfast carbonara.

Eric: Amazing.

Brandon (as Milo): That sounds so good.

Julia (as Val): It's very good.

Brandon (as Milo): I got a 18 + 5 or 23.

Amanda: Nice.

Eric: Wonderful. Okay. You're kind of like floating behind Val a little bit as Val’s making this. And just like I don't even how to make it roll. Like, I bet Val could do this in her sleep, truly.

Julia (as Val): Yeah.

Eric: And you see that Tuna pops up and kind of like stalks over on the kitchen island to, like, take a peek over there. But you know what cats like – they do their – their preparation? Like, it leans down and like waggles their tail, like, from one side and the other to get oriented. So, Tuna’s, like, leaned over. And then it's like there's a moment of stillness that no one knows what's happening – no one knows what’s happening. And Tuna just jumps. And, all of a sudden, you see Dr. Morrow reach for something really quickly and just throw it at Tuna. And there's a puff of just like white dust everywhere.

Brandon (as Milo): Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?

Eric: I know.

Brandon (as Milo): That's my cat!

Eric: Tuna is now just covered in flour.

[Players laughing]

Eric: But, now, everyone can see Tuna.

Julia: Tunaaaa!

Amanda: Tuna really nice to meet you, finally.

Eric (as Tuna): Hmm. I just assumed that everyone could see me. That's just the way that I treat myself. 

Brandon (as Milo): you- you- you-

Eric (as Tuna): Live, laugh, love, but in the opposite way.

Brandon (as Milo): Tuna, you know that's not true.

Eric: You know, you – you never know what kind of invisible monsters are lurking around. So, I guess we could all see the cat now. Wonderful. That's good.

Brandon (as Milo): I mean you're not wrong. It – Tuna is an invisible monster.

Julia: I'm just still not sure why I could see the cat, and how you couldn't see the cat. But, you know, philosophical question for another time.

Eric: Now, Milo, when were you touching Val? Hmm.

Brandon (as Milo): When was I touching Val?

Eric: Hmmm... hmmm...

Julia (as Val): Was this when you fell and then I had to carry you?

Brandon (as Milo): Oh, yeah. I promise I did not touch you though.

Julia (as Val): There we go.

Brandon (as Milo): It was completely touch-less.

Julia (as Val): Okay. Let's have all touches be consensual from now on.

Brandon (as Milo): Okay. Yes, I agree.

Eric (Dr. Morrow): Milo, we have a lot to discuss about on like how – how all this works. I'm really just fascinated. I would love to just – to just come over and we could just talk about everything here.

Brandon (as Milo): I would love that if that – if we could do that. I have so many questions for you.

Eric (Dr. Morrow): And I have questions for you. We'll get something on the calendar. That sounds great. January! 

Eric: January hops into the kitchen.

Brandon (as Milo): January is way too long. Oh, sorry. You meant the rabbit.

Eric: Boo!

Julia: Boo! Bad joke.

Eric: Eric pokes his head in to peek and go, “Boo!” I was gonna tell you January has a cute Palm Pilot. But, no, I'm booing you for your pun.

Julia (as Val): Adorable. Val does a little bow when January comes in.

Amanda (as Aggie): Aww.

Eric: That's incredible.

Julia (as Val): Because I still feel awkward about the way that they talked about them earlier.

Eric: Is this beautiful? January, I think just like bends an ear towards you. It’d be like, “Hmm. I acknowledge. Thank you. I appreciate that.” So, now, yeah, I think everyone here can see Tuna now.

Julia (as Val): Yay!

Amanda (as Aggie): Because Tuna trusted us enough that they'll let themselves be visible to us.

Eric: Yeah, I think like flour, but, also, science flour so everyone can see Tuna.

Amanda (as Aggie): Cool.

Julia: Can Val finally pet Tuna?

Eric: Oh, yeah, definitely.

Julia: Val, Val stops what they're doing. And, like, you know, when a cat is like walking towards you, and you just put your head down, and kind of bowed to it so that you'll get the little forehead bump? That's what Val does.

Amanda (as Aggie): So cute.

Brandon (as Milo): That's very good. And Tuna’s had – now, there's like, you know, three to four times the amount of people who can give him treats. So—

Eric: Exactly.

Brandon (as Milo): It’s a real win-win.

Julia: It’s very smart.

Eric: Exactly. It's both game mechanics and for Tuna. Wonderful. I guess. Yeah. Val, you're cooking it up. And I think Dr. Morrow has – I think she has a – she definitely has a favorite seat. Oh, yeah. She jumps up on the kitchen island and just like has her – her legs dangling down—

Amanda: Cute.

Julia: Hell, yeah.

Eric: – even though she's tall. She's like six feet tall. So, these are like a little bit higher kitchen counters.

Julia: Oh, no. Val needs to request a stool in order to cook. 

Eric: Exactly.

Julia: Just a little step-stool so that they can reach, you know, without weird angles.

Amanda: I mean January probably has one somewhere.

Eric: You know – you know that there's like – there are pressure points around the kitchen where you put pressure on it, and then, like, it raises you up.

Amanda (as Aggie): Ooh.

Julia (as Val): (Gasp) I love that. 

Eric: There's like an image on Tumblr where there was like a same-height party. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Brandon: What?

Julia: No.

Eric: Yeah, there's like this really old image on Tumblr that is always like bopped around and with screenshots. It was – it was—

Amanda: Gee, Campaign 2 really bringing different energy to the podcast.

Eric: It's like a same-height party. Like, everyone is six one and, like, you have to put on those stilt cups that you can just like tie to your feet so that everyone is the same height. So, it's kind of like that. It's like it recognizes how tall you are, and then raises you up to optimal height, because it's a science kitchen.

Brandon: Incredible

Julia: I love that. Cool.

Amanda: Cool. Just like the whole floor is hydraulics.

Eric: Yeah, everything is hydraulics. It's beautiful.

Julia: Thank you Science Kitchen!

Eric: So, yeah, Dr. Morrow, she reaches up and grabs one of the really big wine glasses and puts like 15 ounces in the 16-ounce glass. Like--

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): I know, you all didn't want to talk about the philosophy of everything here. But I guess – in my home, I guess I, I would love to tell you about the things that I care about. And I – things that I love to do to unwind. Yeah, I would – it would leave everything pretty ambiguous if we didn't talk about this a little bit. I am so happy that all of you have quickly came around, and wanted to clean up the city, and follow my vision, and you listened to the PowerPoint and all of that. But I guess the big question here is whether or not, for one reason or another, do we – do you want to be publicly out there with masks on or not publicly out there without masks on, but it is still – you see both of these are secrets in different ways. And it's kind of an interesting moral – more – it's an interesting and complex problem, which I just love to roll around – roll around with you here. You know, I can tell you about the – you know, the way that the public persona comes in and the reasons why you protect your family and how that might be better or worse for the city and as representative and all that. And I have my own thoughts, but I – you know, this can go either way, truly. I'm not trying to push you in any sort of idea. It's just an interesting question that I – we will have to answer and sooner rather than later. And, you know, doing it in a kitchen with greasy pasta at 11 at night just sounds like the best way possible. 

Brandon (as Milo): Whoa. Whoa, Whoa. Greasy?

Julia (as Val): Yeah, excuse me.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): In a positive, positive way. If I positive—

Brandon (as Milo): Alright.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Cheesy, greasy, delicious. I love it. Mouth – the mouthfeel and the carbonara and, of course, I – Val.

Julia (as Val): It is – the silky is the word you’re looking for.

Eric: The silky, the unctuousness of the pasta. Sorry, I don't say unctuous in mixed company.

Julia (as Val): Nor should you.

Eric: So, hello, I'm DM Eric. I guess the here's the question. This is the crux of this, this episode, and the way that the podcast goes in two different ways. I think we do need to decide whether or not you want to be a superhero team and be the idea that we all have here of superheroes or not. And you can be the Strikeforce, but then there’s gonna be a lot of secrecy in a different way. In both ways, you are protecting your identity. But do you also have a public identity to make it easier for you to go do your stuff? Is ultimately the question here.

Julia: So, player Julia loves the idea of putting on a mask and getting to potentially have an action figure and whatnot. Val, I feel like will harder to convince of that. Mostly, because of the stuff that happened with the bank and all the social media stuff. So, their argument would be, “Well, a bunch of people saw me vibrating and punching people. So, if I'm vibrating and punching people but in a mask, what's to stop people from putting two and two together?

Amanda: Yeah, and I think, for Aggie sort of similarly, this is already her life. She already has reasons to be in a lot of these places and people already know her as somebody who can come in and fix stuff. And her powers too, being around healing and stuff that can kind of be explained away or downplayed, I think that a more kind of low key – you know, do these things under the veil of something else, a city appointment, a volunteer group, a task force, whatever it might be, seems simpler, because, yeah, how many, you know, six-foot-tall, like, red-haired, burly women are in Lake Town City?

Brandon: I think, for player Brandon, it would be most interesting to put Milo in a situation where he is unmasked. Because, obviously, that creates the most tension, especially with his job, and his father, and his father's job. But I think, for character Milo, he would be afraid to give up his job at the museum. And, like, he has to have money to support himself. How is he going to do that? And I think it's also just scary to be a public figure. You know, like, that type of public figure.

Eric: Yeah, I think – I definitely think that's fair. Dr. Morrow, also, alluded to the fact that she would pay you in some way. And I guess, necessarily, you wouldn't leave your jobs. It would – both of these would still require you to have your civilian lives in so many ways, because of the ways that, you know, your characters interact with the city itself and how plugged in the three of you are to different parts of the city.

Amanda: So, I guess if we were – if we had, you know, public mask personas, people could make appeals or write about some social or like tag us if they need our help. But, if we were more like people that got called in when something hinky is going down and it's mostly secret, then, you know, someone could potentially stop by the museum or historic lake town or the pizzeria to say something. But I'm assuming that, if Dr. Morrow is the kind of dispatcher here, she would be controlling most of the calling us to places or dealing with like inbound calls for help.

Eric: Yeah, for sure. Gotcha. All three of you make a history check for me.

[Dice Roll]

Amanda: 14.

Julia: I got 12.

Brandon: I got 17 + 3 for 20.

Julia: Dirty 20!

Eric: Okay. Brandon, with a dirty 20, you remember, last year, I guess like you and your friends as plugged in nerds to superherodom. You've heard like all those stories of people trying to be like city defenders. And it's really just like people in – who are good at karate and like, do CrossFit. And then they put spandex on, and they kind of jump around and punch people. But there was, like, two years ago, in Nashville, a guy who was running around as the Golden Knight, who has this public superhero. He had this glowing sword, and, like, rocket boots. He would hit them – he’d hit a button, and then his boots would turn into rollerblades. And he'd be able to like travel super fast. And, like, he cleaned up the city quite a lot and still kind of like a celebrity for a while there. And it's – you know, there was notoriety for like six months. You haven't really heard much about it. But you saw all the posts. Like, people were taking selfies with the Golden Knight. And they were like really beautiful photos of the Golden Knight, like, kicking butt. At some point, like a supervillain rose up, who was trying to destroy all the bridges and hold Nashville captive. And the Golden Knights defeated them. So, this has worked before. There's kind of like this isolated case. And it was goofy, but, now that you have all these ideas together, it definitely seems more real than what you thought.

Brandon (as Milo): Do you guys remember the, the Golden Knight?

Julia (as Val): Isn't that like a hockey team or something?

Brandon (as Milo): Yeah, they were named after the Golden Knight.

Julia (as Val): They named a hockey team after… what?

Brandon (as Milo): He was a superhero in Nashville. And then I explain the whole story.

Julia (as Val): Sounds like a nerd.

Amanda (as Aggie): Dr. Morrow, I-I guess the thing that would help me make this decision is would it be the three of us in contained unit doing something different or the Knight of Mirrors or whoever would be involved? Or is this- is this bigger? Is this wider? Are there a lot of people that you're tapping to help with certain problems and clean up certain issues?

Eric: (as Dr. Morrow): Hmm, that is a good question. Well, we've been preparing for something like this for a long time. Nothing has really happened before. You know, as we said before, we all know as people who've lived in this place for quite a long time and know people. It was quite a long time. People connected to the original Lake Town settlements. There is something going on. But, of course, a lot of other people don't know that. They just kind of wave it around. Oh, it's the weirdness of living in the 2020. Like, everything's happening. It's – it's who – who knows, you know. We've been preparing for something like this for a while, and we've reached out to some. I tried to get something like this going in the 90s. And I don't want to point any fingers, but that generation chose to do the things that they wanted to do that they thought were, were neat. I’m, also – you know, I was responsible for the city. We've tried other initiatives like this, and it didn't work out necessarily. I have this this plan, and you three seem to be the best fitting at the moment. I – you know, we, we reached out to Emily, and Emily had her own ideas. And it- it didn't work. Here – you know what? You know what might help is if – maybe if I showed you what some of the things that we've been working on.


Midroll Music


Amanda: Hey, it's Amanda. I am on vacation for the first time in more than a year right now. Recording this in advance. And I kind of forgot what it was like to wake up and not have something to do. It's like I wake up, and I can just lay there, and enjoy myself, and read a book, and whatever. Enjoy the morning light through my blinds instead of remembering that I have to water the plants, or go to work, or do whatever else you have to do in your regular day. Welcome to the Midroll. I think I'm going to go sit on the deck. So, because we're recording this in advance, I'm going to thank all of our new patrons in the next episode. But, rest assured, we get excited about each and every new patron email when it comes in. This is true. You literally make it possible for this to be our jobs, and we couldn't do it without you. Every single episode, we release bonus content like bloopers, character backstories, and even release the new episodes early for our top two tiers. To get access to all of these benefits and help ensure we can keep making the show, join us for as little as $5 a month at patreon.com/JointhePartyPod. And, hey, did you hear that Multitude is hosting a digital live show on July 30th? Well, we are! And 25% of all sales will be donated to the Black Lives Matter global network. All of the Multitude hosts will be performing a mix of new segments and old ones. And, trust me, this is not something you're going to want to miss. Head to Multitude.productions/DigitalLive to buy your ticket. And, if you can't make the stream, you should buy a ticket anyway, because we'll send you a link to watch the recording afterward. Support a great cause and enjoy our patented podcast variety show from wherever in the world you are at Multitude.productions/DigitalLive. We are sponsored this week by our good friends at Hero Forge. They offer fully customizable tabletop miniatures with thousands of choices to dive into and customize. You can choose armor, clothing, accessories, and animal familiars for your character and change and mix and match their face, haircut proportions, all kinds of earrings, and gorgeous things. They now even have a color option. So, you can get your minis in color. Amazing. For someone like me, who cannot paint, much less paint absolutely tiny things, it’s very, very exciting. And, if you want to see what this looks like check out our Instagram @JointhePartyPod because we have the ones that we played in the one-shot last week that are absolutely gorgeous. And you can see what they look like there. So, visit heroforge.com to start designing your custom mini today and check back often, because they add new content every dang week. We love Hero Forge. And we know you're going to have a ton of fun designing your mini on heroforge.com. Finally, we're also sponsored by HelloFresh. This is America's number one meal kit. And it's a great way to eat delicious food without adding time and stress to your day. They have vegetarian and family-friendly options. They're super flexible so you can add extra lunch meals or sides or even skip a week. And they feature 22 or more recipes each week that are already in 30 minutes or less. I really like how they're pre-portioned ingredients cut down on dishes. So, I'm not weighing or measuring stuff and washing out like six measuring spoons when I just want to eat. Recently, there was a breaded chicken cutlet with an absolutely divine pan sauce that I loved. And it didn't leave me with a half use tin of Panko breadcrumbs taking up valuable space in my pantry, because I had exactly enough. In a small apartment like mine, that is definitely a huge help. Get a total of $80 off including free shipping on your first box at hellofresh.com/JointheParty80 with the code, JointheParty80. It’s a really good time to make feeding yourself a little bit easier. So, get a total of $80 off including free shipping on your first box at hellofresh.com/JointheParty80 with the code, JointheParty80. And, now, let's get back to the show.


Midroll Music


Eric: Dr. Morrow takes out her phone and projects like a keypad up. And she pushes five, and she says, “Dez? Dez! you can come in now.” And you hear somebody walking in from a room down the hall. And, as this person rounds the corner, the first thing you see are two very large duffel bags. And then the next thing that you see is the metallic hand holding one of the duffel bags. And you look up and there is a scruffy looking dude with unfathomably long hair with a black bomber jacket, and just ripped jeans, and a dirty white t-shirt.

Julia (as Val): (Gasp).

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): And Dr. Morrow says, “Everybody, this is Dez. Dez has been working with me for a long time. And Dez is kind of our tinker. And, Dez, why don't you introduce yourself to – well, this is Val, and Milo, and Aggie.”

Eric (as Dez): And Dez says, (in a definitely smoked one too many cigarettes, raspy voice) “Yeah, I mean I got all these things if you want to check them out. I thought it was some cool stuff and the thing I've been working on for a while now. Anyway, just check it out.”

Brandon (as Milo): What?

Eric (as Dez): I got-

Julia (as Val): He said he's been working on them for a while now. And we should check them out.

Amanda (as Aggie): Yeah, we can check them out, you know?

Brandon (as Milo): Hi, Dez. I'm down. I would love to see what you're working on.

Eric (as Dez): And I—

Amanda (as Aggie): Is one of Dez’s hands metal?

Eric: Yeah, his left arm I guess to his elbow, it's metal. It seems like, very well put together. I mean everything seems really articulated. You only saw him carry these duffel bags, and then put these duffel bags up on the kitchen island. But it seems like, incredibly well articulated, and like pretty freakin’ cool.

Amanda (as Aggie): So, like, uber awesome prosthetic.

Eric (as Dez): Yeah, I just got some cool stuff in here. If you – I mean I don’t know. Is there a way you want? Which way – should I go this way and that way? And should I start with the thing that was more cool? And then go from the other end and just figure it out.

Julia (as Val): Start with the thing most cool!

Eric (as Dez): I mean I can go—

Brandon (as Milo): Start with the thing most cool.

Eric (as Dez): I'm gonna start with the thing that I think is the most cool, but I guess if there’s sort of process that I either want to go and think.

Amanda (as Aggie): No, this is your place of employment.

Julia (as Val): I feel like we trust your opinion.

Eric (as Dez): Uh, I appreciate – new friends, I appreciate it.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Dr. Morrow says, “Well, let's – maybe we should do it in – you can go from coolest to less cool, whatever that means to you.

Eric (as Dez): I mean I think that everything's just kind of really cool. It's more of the – I want to impress the new people.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Well – well, let's, let's – hold on. We're doing a thing. Hold on. So, I guess the first thing is – one, is – let's call this superhero-y in one basket on this side. And the other side is more sneaky basket. One is which that you want to impress people, that we've been working on for a while, and maybe would go into this identity if you did want to create this persona that you care about. And it’d be something that would just help you in a more of a flashy sense that would make you look like righteous dudes. And then the other one is something more sneaky. If you need things to disappear or you need to do things on the low and sneaking around, we can do that. So, which would you like to see first?

Julia (as Val): Let's see the flashy stuff, it seems pretty cool. Val puts down the bowl of eggs and parmesan and black pepper that they've been whisking.

Brandon: Milo looks at it longingly.

Amanda (as Aggie): I whispered to January as we were leaving the other room for more whiskey. Is that – is that here yet?

Eric (as January): Yeah, January – January just hops on and be like, “Oh, yeah, I got you the good stuff.”

Amanda (as Aggie): Thanks. Thanks, man. Thanks, January.

Eric (as January): No problem.

Eric: And it's just fun watching a rabbit jump from a kitchen island and down to the floor. It's just delightful. So, let's think of these- kind of as your – the items you can all use together. And Dez pulls out a pack of gum, a contacts case, and just like the hilt of a sword.

Brandon (as Milo): These – these were the flashy things?

Amanda (as Aggie): Gum?

Eric (as Dez): I mean it's – I mean you got to kind of give it one – give it a second. Look at it. It's gonna be flashy when you look at it.

Julia (as Val): I mean y'all have seen James Bond before, right? I am not the only person in this room who has seen a James Bond or a spy movie?

Amanda (as Aggie): We did have a DVD of Spy Kids. Yeah.

Brandon (as Milo): Nope, never seen it.

Julia (as Val): Jesus!

Eric (as Dez): What about Spy Kids 2? Spy Kids 3D? No, that's outside of your purview.

Amanda (as Aggie): I was just kind of creeped out by those Fruit Loops. So—

Julia: Jesus!

(collective snickers)

Eric: So, yeah, Dez takes a pack of gum and shows it to all of you. And it says Winter Fresh on it. And Dez takes a thick stick of gum, and wraps it, and put it in his mouth, and then walks over to – in my head, this kitchen leads out to like – to the veranda one side. So, it opens-

Amanda (as Aggie): Very Nancy Myers.

Eric: Yeah.

Julia (as Val): Sure. Sure.

Amanda (as Aggie): White glossy curtains.

Julia (as Val): Oh, yeah.

Eric: Opens a screen door and blows. And then there's just like a cone of icy wind flowing out of his mouth. Talk about—

Julia (as Val): This is extremely cool!

Brandon (as Milo): That is very flashy, I like it very much!

Eric (Dr. Morrow): So, we could call this the Breath Weapon Gum. It gives you the opportunity to just blow. You know, we have a lot of different flavors here. This is just kind of the first one that we've – we've been tinkering with. It’s the Winter Fresh, but we have different flavors if – depending on what your thing is, if your electricity or fire or, I guess, poison. And that one might taste kind of disgusting. But we do have something there.

Eric (as Dez): And, also, it’s really good for your dental hygiene. Just this particular – I just thought it was something that I had to bring up.

Julia (as Val): Dental hygiene is very important Thank you, Dez.

Amanda (as Aggie): That's great. Dez, you just – your values are really aligned with our values, and we appreciate you.

Eric (as Dez): I mean, if your values doesn't include oral health, I don’t – if you don’t have chompers–

Amanda (as Aggie): What, what are we doing here? What are we doing here?

Eric (as Dez): What are we supposed to-- What are we doing here?

Eric: And then Dr. Morrow reaches for the contacts and puts them in. And she – it looks like she has no white part of her eye.

Amanda (as Aggie): No. No.

Eric: It’s just pupil. It might look like I am from the popular 90s store Hot Topic, but, in fact—

Amanda: Wait, Eric. I really need to know. Did Lake Town City ever have a Hot Topic?

Eric: A hundred percent!

Amada: Oh, good.

Julia: Had to.

Amanda: College town.

Eric: Where do you think all of the My Hero Academia heads in Lake Town City get their shirts? Listen, these are all – their modeled kind of off the Dailies. They do disintegrate after a little while, but you do – you are able to look better and scare people with these cool eyes.

Julia: That is very, very cool. I'm a fan of that.

Eric: And then Dez walks back over to the hilt. And you can see that he like tries – he smushes it. It's like a toy sword. It's like he smushes it down so it can fit kind of just in your pocket. And then he pulls it back out, and he presses a button, and then just like a very – a very chunky large sword just comes out of this. Like – like, it's a Buster Sword. Like, it is – it is so much bigger than the hilt. But it's this like yellowy Hard Light sword. And you see, like, Dez kind of just has one hand and kind of flicks it around in like a circle, and then throws it up like it's a baton and catches it. He’d be like—

Eric (as Dez): I can do those. It's just a cool thing I could do. It’s just a thing that I—

Julia (as Val): That's very cool, Dez.

Eric (as Dez): Thank you. I—

Brandon (as Milo): Emily's gonna be jealous of that.

Amanda (as Aggie): That is awesome.

Eric (Dr. Morrow): So, this is the hard light sword. It's very dangerous. And it’s truly as light. Any one of you can hold it. It does have very limited battery, unfortunately. We – you can't pop the battery. And you got to make a new one. So, just turn it off. It only has 50 seconds left and Dez still like whipping it around. He’s just like—

Eric (as Dez): Oh, sorry. I just kind of like that one.

Julia (as Val): I was like, “Can I try? Can I try? Hold on, hold on, hold on.”

Eric (as Dez): Umm. Sorry. I, you know, want to get into my baton tricks. You know, I went to Grambling State for a scholarship for baton.

Amanda (as Aggie): Dez, I need to know so much more about you.

Julia (as Val): The more I learn about you, the more I'm so fascinated.

Eric (as Dez): Yeah, I like new friends. New friends are great.

Amanda (as Aggie): Let's definitely go to Astros this weekend.

Eric (as Dez): Oh, hell yeah. Which one? Like the good one – the one in Thornhill or like the Red Hook?

Brandon (as Milo): They're all good.

Eric (as Dez): I mean, you know, it's a slide. Of course, it’s a sliding scale. And I wouldn't say this anybody would didn’t live here like my friends from – like my friends for the West Coast, when they come, I'm not just like, “Oh, that's a bad Astros. They're all good Astros. But, like, you know, we all have preferences.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Okay. Look, can we stay on topic, please? 

Eric: Alright. So, DM Eric. So, this is breath weapon gum. It's like a breath weapon from a dragon burn. And there are different flavors. You can choose your flavor. They are contacts. They expire after a minute then you get advantage on intimidation and investigation. And this is the hard light Buster Sword. It gives you a 2D 6+ Strength or Dex, whatever you're better at. But it does expire after a minute.

Julia: These are all extremely cool.

Eric: I will say, all the things here, they are “consumables.” So, you got to use them for the extended period of time. But then Dez just say—

Eric (as Dez): You know, like, if you need more, I do need some more parts stuff so we can work this out. But I can make them for you if – if the thing – if it's a thing. I will – you know, I’ll have to put some stuff together, but I’ll figure out – figure it out.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): We've been putting this together. Well, we had – you know, we haven't – you plan as much as you – without any actual data, like, how are you actually supposed to put the things together, you know.

Amanda (as Aggie): It's a test run. We get it.

Eric: Okay. So, now, the sneaky things. And Dez opens that up. First thing, Dez pulls out like a really long like Pyrex container. There’s like three – it's like three feet long, but like half a foot wide. And it's all just made out of Pyrex.

Amanda (as Aggie): Is this for marinating like a whole swordfish?

Brandon (as Milo): Oooh.

Eric: Yeah. That can – that’d be pretty neat. And, inside, you see that there's something like twinkling in there. He also pulls out what kind of looks like a regular-looking airhorn that you might find like, I guess, on a boat or, you know, a medkit or something. And then he pulls out a glasses case. It is actually – it's just a Warby Parker glasses case. He’d be like—

Eric (as Dez): Yeah, I just have a lot of these hanging around. Like, I'm not gonna make it – reuse, reduce recycle, you know what I mean?

Brandon (as Milo): Yeah.

Julia (as Val): Does Dez wear glasses? This is important.

Eric (as Dez): You know, like, Aviators. Like, you know, all the time.

Julia (as Val): Of course you do.

Amanda (as Aggie): Everybody needs them at some point, nothing to be ashamed of.

Brandon (as Milo): Dez is the best.

Eric: Yeah. So, Dez pops open the Pyrex. And he holds what looks like a Neanderthal club.

Amanda: Like a Flintstones club.

Eric: Yeah, like a Flintstones club, but it's totally made out of ice. And he's holding in his metal arm.

Eric (as Dez): This is pretty cold. I should probably hold – like, I have a glove or something just in case.

Eric: And—

Brandon (as Milo): Why, why is it in Pyrex?

Eric (as Dez): It. is. cold.

Julia (as Val): Just to stress.

Eric (as Dez): Yeah.

Julia (as Val): Cold.

Eric (as Dez): It’s cold.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Dr. Morrow says, “Don't put this next to your Margarita mix or your chubby hubby. This is very dainty. It's very delicate. This Icicle Club, it's very good at dealing damage. But, immediately after you use it, it melts away.” Did you see The Lovely Bones? Do you know that book and movie? You know, The Lovely Bones?

Brandon (as Milo): No.

Amanda (as Aggie): This is not a reference I expected in this conversation.

Julia (as Val): No. 

Eric: You should read The Lovely Bones. Stanley Tucci is in it. It's very good.

Julia: Stanley Tucci is in a book?

(Brandon laughing)

Eric: It was a while – Stanley Tucci was – in my head – I saw the movie first, and then I read the book. So, it felt like Stanley Tucci was in it. He's actually playing the bad guy. It's very sad, but the whole thing is that the murder weapon is an icicle. It's a whole thing.

Julia: Like that old riddle.

Eric: Yeah.

Brandon: Yeah, it's like the – like the riddle.

Julia: He stabbed him with an icicle then there’s no evidence.

Eric: Yeah.

Eric (as Dez): You know, there’s a table. And you cut it in half, and you put it together. And it's a whole – and you can escape. Or was that a different riddle?

Eric: No, I think—

Brandon: That's a different.

Eric: – that’s a different riddle.

Julia: I think that’s a different riddle.

Eric (Dr. Morrow): Dez, your riddle knowledge along with all the other knowledge is impeccable.

Amanda: I love this boss-employees supportive relationship.

Julia: So good.

Eric: So, then Dr. Morrow picks up the airhorn and blows it at Milo. And, Milo, you'll hear—

Brandon (as Milo): Well, okay, ow.

Eric: You hear an incredibly loud airhorn just blaring. It's like, uncomfortable how loud it is.

Brandon (as Milo): Yeah, like airhorns.

Eric: Yeah, like air horns, exactly. And she turns to everybody else and says—

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Now, did anyone else hear the airhorn?

Eric: And none of you did.

Amanda (as Aggie): Did, did you press it? Is the button broken? That happens sometimes with these.

Brandon (as Milo): What?

Julia (as Val): It – I don’t think it’s working.

Brandon (as Milo): No, it definitely is working.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Ah, see, that's how the silent alarm works. Now, I – this one had four. Now, it's down to three. But, if you pointed at a particular person who you can see, the way that the sonic – yeah, we could talk about Sonic mechanics and quantum theory, whatever we'd like. Different philosophical conversation. But you point it at someone, they are the only ones who can hear it.

Amanda (as Aggie): Cool.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): After three – after three charges here, it breaks. You'll have to get another one. 

Eric: And, finally, Dez pops open the Warby Parker case. And there's just like a pair of pretty chunky Buddy Holly style coke bottle glasses.

Julia (as Val): Oh, man, Milo this would look great on you.

Brandon (as Milo): Those would look great on me, I think.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Well, again, they're very – well, I guess, you seem like the kind of chap who wears glasses quite a lot. They're very delicate. You just run into the wall.

Brandon (as Milo): What does that mean?

Eric: You run to the wall once, and did they just break?

Brandon (as Milo): Okay.

Amanda (as Aggie): Is, is that their power?

Julia (as Val): That is their power. Yeah, very delicate.

Eric: Their power. Yes. Their power is really great.

Brandon (as Milo): Do you imagine that I run into walls a lot?

Julia (as Val): You do kind of seem like the kind where you would, like, get scared and then you'd just turn and run into a wall accidentally.

Eric: Like, if you see ghost—

Brandon (as Milo): Okay. That is fair.

Eric: If you see a ghost that you weren't expecting.

Julia (as Val): You know, like a Scooby-Doo character.

Brandon (as Milo): Yeah, okay.

Eric: Luckily, this compels people on their deepest level that they never want to hit a guy in glasses.

Julia (as Val): Like I said, Milo, this is perfect for you!

Eric: Okay. So, the way that these work, the Icicle Club, you will still need to roll to hit. You can throw it or you can wield it just as a two-handed club. If you hit, this will do 20 damage no matter what.

Amanda: Whoa.

Eric: However, if you miss while wielding it, there is a chance that you swing wildly and hit the ground, and it shatters. Oh, if you miss while throwing it, it hits the ground, and it shatters. So, this is very, very delicate. But, if it connects, it automatically does 20 damage. The second one is the horn of silent alarm. It has three charges. Basically, if you point it at someone who you have seen within an hour and is still within like 500 feet, you blow it, and they – they are the only ones who hear it. So, you can see that—

Brandon: Is it always that loud in their head or—

Eric: It is always loud depending on how close you are to it. It will set – it will be hurtful, like, if you’re doing it five feet away from a person. And then this is the, “You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses.” Basically, the glasses cast the spell, Sanctuary, which you have to do a wisdom saving throw if you hit that person. But, if someone does hit you, they will hit you in the face and the glasses will break.

Amanda: Oh, nerts.

Brandon: So, this like deflects the – like, Sanctuary, this just like deflect the hit to another party member or it just doesn't hit?

Eric: Sanctuary is you are compelled to hit somebody else—

Brandon: Yeah.

Eric: – other than the person wearing the glasses. But, if they do a wisdom saving throw, and if they overcome it, and if they hit you, the glasses will break.

Amanda: But, if they fail their wisdom saving throw, that they have to either choose a new target or they lose the attack.

Eric: Yeah.

Brandon: Got it.

Amanda: Gotcha.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): You can see these items are made for different squads. So, one of them – one of the various things that we can help you here. If you do choose to go with the superhero public persona route, we can also help you with those, really start crafting, and figuring out what your idea of who you are could be and what would be best for the things that you want to accomplish out in Lake Town city. I, I don't (sigh) – you know, I, I don't want to push you one way or the other. But you would be doing a lot of good as a public persona in all these different ways.

Amanda (as Aggie): But wouldn't we then encourage anyone with one CrossFit class to decide to become one as well?

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Well, that's a good question. I guess, if people saw what you can do and how much different that is than the regular person with a low BMI can do which, again, BMI, totally–

Amanda (as Aggie): It means nothing.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): It means totally nothing. But I guess the way that this works is, if you three do it, then they'll be like, “Ah, I can't have a Ghost Panther running around. I can't run through a solid wall and not be hurt. I can't jump 10 feet in a single bound if I need to.” You all get a text message, all three of your pockets they buzzed.

Julia: Val is handing out plates of carbonara as—

Amanda (as Aggie): Oh, thank God.

Julia: – they reach for their phone.

Brandon (as Milo): I grab my phone and read it.

Amanda: Yep.

Eric: You see the group text with Emily. And, now, I guess you – there's a number you don't recognize, but I – you’re gonna assume it's Sour Anthony.

[Over the phone]

Eric (as Emily): Hey, how did your side of the, the plan go? Oh, we totally kicked some butt over at the back.

Julia (as Val): You know, not having to work with Emily and Sour Anthony would be quite a fucking blessing, wouldn't it?

Brandon (as Milo): Yeah, it would I think.

Amanda (as Aggie): I'd rather be on the side of government than under its nose.

Eric (as Dez): Now, who is Sour Anthony?

Julia (as Val): You don't want to know.

Amanda (as Aggie): I hope you never run across him.

Julia: Val pushes Dez a plate of carbonara.

Eric (as Dez): And why would it be named that? Would he willingly be a sour person? Is that his thing?

Brandon (as Milo): Yes.

Julia (as Val): Yes. Yes.

Amanda (as Aggie): He thinks his beer preferences are his identity and that really was his first sin.

Eric (as Dez): Oh, I hate that.


Brandon (as Milo): Can we have like – like, you have to eat carbonara immediately. Otherwise, it doesn't – you know, it's not great. Can we have, like, five minutes to scarf some food down?

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Yeah. And, you know, I'll – I'll go back. I have some stuff I have to go work on with Dez. I'll let you eat in peace. January, let's go back – let's go back to the study. I'm gonna get you – I'll make you a hot carrot juice just like you like it.

Amanda (as Aggie): Does – does he perk up? Does he? Yes.

Julia (as Val): It sounds gross.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Oh, he loves—

Julia (as Val): No.

Eric (as January): He’s, he’s, “Oh, yeah, carrot juice. I love them. Thank you. It's always – it's a little too tall for me to jump up from here. So, I really, like, want to have someone to help me with that. Thank you.”

Eric: Aggie, your phone starts – starts buzzing.

Amanda (as Aggie): I look at the screen.

Eric: Emily's calling you.

Amanda (as Aggie): Alright. Definitely, gonna let that ring out. Put it down on the chair next to me.

Julia (as Val): Val nods like, “Yes, excellent choice.”

Amanda (as Aggie): I guess, all things considered, I would rather be a hero than a spy. It's not what I came in here thinking I want to do, but I like to go to bed early. And, doing missions in the daytime versus the nighttime, that’s – that's a point of consideration.

Julia (as Val): That, that is fair. Bedtime is important.

Brandon: I think Milo – he is not showing this, but I think he is really hard-pressed to pass up the opportunity to become an actual superhero even with all the—

Julia: Can I roll insight on Milo?

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, roll insight on Milo.

[Dice Roll]

Julia (as Val): Oh, I got a two.

Brandon (as Milo): Haha. 

Amanda (as Aggie): Milo loves your pasta.

Brandon (as Milo): That's just true.

Julia (as Val): Val is like, “I will give you the recipe if you're cool.”

Brandon (as Milo): Yeah, I'll be cool. I'll be super cool. And, so, Milo is like, “Yeah. Yeah. Staying up in the daytime, great idea. I think we could help a lot of people. You get a cool leather jacket, or a cooler leather jacket, Val. I think—

Julia (as Val): Excellent correction. Thank you for that.

Brandon (as Milo): You're welcome, of course. I think I'm leaning towards the cool stuff.

Julia (as Val): Yeah, I mean, like I said, I didn't think that I would want to be a nerd who dresses up in a costume. But I, also, cannot resist the idea of being able to do cool things and not have to pretend that I can't do cool things.

Amanda (as Aggie): That would be a relief.

Julia (as Val): No one is calling me Punerella or whatever the fuck we called it last time. Just for the record.

Brandon (as Milo): What about Captain Bufala?

Julia (as Val): No, I do not have the powers of a water buffalo.

Amanda (as Aggie): What pasta shaped best expresses the kind of hero you want to be?

Julia (as Val): We are not naming my superhero persona after any type of food.

Eric: DM Eric pokes his head on the window and says, “What about The Cheesy Defender?”

Julia (as Val): I hate everything.

Eric: Yeah, I want all of you to think of a memory of one of your characters. Milo, when did Milo – Milo fall in love with superheroes?

[Nostalgic type of music starts]

Brandon: When he was about, like, four or five-ish. You know, he – his father had been sort of like seeding it all along. He wasn't trying to hide anything from him. But he had the – a real conversation about being adopted for the first time. And, you know, as any child would, they sort of feel a loss of control. So, when he started reading comic books, he saw superheroes that were in total control of their lives and everything else. And, so, it really resonated with him.

Eric: I like that. Milo is like five years old and just has those overalls that only look cute on children below the age of 10. And your dad comes in with like a black suit and a black tie and white button-down shirt. He has like a pin that is a- an eagle holding a computer in one talon and like a shield in the other talon.

Julia: Cool logo

Amanda: Talented eagle.

Eric (as Milo’s dad): And he leans out and says, “Milo, you know, I wanted to share with you something that I thought you would you – you would like, because I know you haven't really like touched any of your other toys. And, like, that's – that's fine. You can – we're still figuring out what you – what you think – what's something you would like? You know, I think – you know, you've been reading really well lately. And I can't read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom one more time. It’s just too much. I'm gonna level with you, kid. I know what happens to all the letters now after the hundredth time. So, I wanted to give you this.”

Eric: It is like a children's sort of comic book called the Husky Kid. He looks like a Winter Husky. I think he has like bracers and boots on that are arctic wolf colored and shading. And he has like a cowl that has little ears and blue eyes. And he just kind of looks like a – like a 12-year-old kid.

Eric (as Milo’s dad): And he’s like, “Hey, I thought you'd like – he reminds me of you, because, you know, he was raised by wolves. And then he got adopted by somebody in – I guess they call it Halcyon City, where he's from. But he gets adopted, and he has a good – he – you know, they work out things together. And then he fights evil. And I thought you would like that. You know, I have – I found a whole bunch of these. It’s just one of 100. There are 100 of these. So, if you like it, you know, this is something maybe you'll – maybe you'd like.

Brandon (as Milo): Yeah, tha- thanks, thanks dad.

Amanda: Aww.

Eric (as Milo’s dad): We're not – I'm allergic to dogs, unfortunately. And, also, no, I want to level with you. I'm also allergic to dogs.

Brandon (as Milo): Good, good thing we have a cat.

Eric (as Milo’s dad): That's true. It's just – it's just the dogs’ fur. The cat is fine. I mean, listen, Tuna, I've had Tuna for 20 years, and it's not changing now.

Eric: Aggie, when was a time that you defended one of your siblings?

Amanda (as Aggie): Every winter, the Lake of Lake Town freezes over completely, usually, by January, but definitely by mid-February. And everybody's favorite day is a day that you're finally allowed to walk clear across the ice. And you can go from one shore to the other. You can walk from town, to your house, or from your friend's backyard to the ice cream parlor and not even go around. You can just go straight – in a straight line. And it is the most wonderful day where your parents that it says in the newspaper when it is safe to walk on. And then your parents would let you just go wild. So, I took the kids out on a walk across the lake the first day that we could. I was probably 10, and the ones who could walk came with me. And, by the time, we got to the – the opposite shore, it was warmer than anybody expected. And there were some kids just kind of roughhousing on the shore. And one of my siblings got their feet stuck just kind of in that marshy space, where it was a little bit thinner by the weeds and the rocks and all of that. And, so, I had to sort of fight off a couple old kids – middle schoolers – from town and kind of yank them back up off the ice and carry them the rest of the way home because one of the shoes is down to the lake. Mom wasn’t happy about that. But it was the first time that I realized something really bad could potentially happen to someone I cared about. And I didn't think, but I just kind of stepped in and did it.

Eric (as the teen): Yeah, there's like this 13-year-old, who comes up you – on you and be like, “Hey, we don't want any babies cramping our style. Just get out of here.

Amanda (as Aggie): Just go fight somewhere else. We're just going to town. We're just passing through.

Eric (as the teen): Oh, no, this is our spot. And we're not here to do whatever you want. We don't need any freakin baby kindergarteners here harshing all the fun stuff I have.

Eric: Make a charisma role for it.

Brandon (as Milo): She had a +6 for charisma when she was when she was younger.

Julia (as Val): She was so damn cute.

Amanda (as Aggie): I've 16 – 1.

Eric: 1 off, 15. So, I think the bullies are still like pushing up on you and telling you to go away. And, at one point, you just like hold up your hand used to be like, “Hey, like, stop.” And he then looks at you for a second. And, like, gawks at the, the, the twins. And he's like, 

Eric (as the teen): “Okay, fine. It's just like stupid.’ 

Eric: What does it – what does it look like when you're able to convince someone to like stop bothering you?

Amanda (as Aggie): I've come to recognize it as an adult. My whole body kind of filling with adrenaline, and then it's like it leaves. And the force of that feeling sort of like dissipates what the other person is brewing inside them. I sort of picture it like a flame being extinguished with like foam. You know, like a fire extinguisher on a house fire. Like it just kind of like fizzles out, and the anger and the commitment to violence just sort of like sizzles.

Eric: I like that. It's like they’re – is it like Aggie-shaped?

Amanda (as Aggie): Yeah, like a humanoid shape of somewhat transparent foam just kind of like settles all over them.

Eric: Yeah. And I think that they – it settles on this 13-year-old who's just like-

Eric (as the teen): “Fine. I'll just – I didn't want to throw snowballs at your dumb siblings anyway, and then just steps away.

Amanda (as Aggie): And then one kids boot is gone. The other one starts crying. Everyone starts crying. The rest of crying. I'm just like, (sighs) “Okay, guys, let's – let's get some ice cream.”

Eric: Alright. Hey, Val, when was the first time that you defended yourself?

Julia (as Val): It was a summer when they were staying with their dad, and New York kids are mean.

Eric: Yeah, New York City kids – the city kids are mean. Yeah.

Julia: And I don't think Val even remembers what the specific thing that they were arguing about or what, like, incited the incident. But they remember feeling just so mad, and they never felt that mad before. And it kind of just filled them like from the toes to the tip of their head with something hot and angry. And it almost hurt, in a way. And they realized they just couldn't stop shaking. And, when they pushed a kid off of them, the kid went way farther than anyone should probably go when they're pushed by a 12-year-old.

Eric (as Val’s Dad): You're just walking around. Your dad is like, “Oh, just like, (sigh), hey, just go get lost for a few hours. I got some stuff to do.” You’re just walking around. You're just getting a sandwich.

Julia (as Val): Yeah.

Eric: Are you wearing like a leather jacket yet?

Julia (as Val): Um, I don't think so. I think it's like a denim jacket and like some shorts. It’s like black shorts.

Eric: Do you have like band patches on it.

Julia (as Val): Yep.

Eric: Panic at the Disco patches.

Julia (as Val): Of course, obviously. And those like chunky skater shoes. You know what I mean?

Amanda (as Aggie): Oh, yeah. Like—

Eric: Yeah, for sure.

Amanda (as Aggie): Very good. 

Brandon: I like that. 

Eric: Yeah. And I think like three kids just like come up to you. And it's – they’re high schoolers. And they're just like in tank tops. And they're just like looking for something to do, and they see the 12-year-old with like chunky boots. And they’re like-

Eric (as mean kid): “Hey, oh – hey, oh, wait a second. I'm gonna – I want to see – take a look at your patches. I want to take a look at the patches on your – take a look at your patches on your jacket.

Julia (as Val): I'm just walking here.

Eric (as mean kid): No, I just think—

Julia (as Val): Leave me alone.

Eric (as mean kid): No, I think it's cool. I just want to see you patches, patches on your jacket. Why wouldn't you show? Don’t you want to show it to me? 

Eric: And, like, they surround you and just like start pulling on your jacket in a way that you don’t like.

Julia: Val kind of throws a couple of elbows like they've been taught. And it doesn't really work at first. And I imagine like the kids trying to pull the jacket off of them, and that's what really starts pissing them off.

Eric: Yeah, make an attack roll for me.

Julia (as Val): Okay. So, that, with rage, is 17.

Eric: Yeah. Oh yeah. Here's the thing. A tank top wearing West Village kid has a low AC.

Julia (as Val): Good.

Eric: You like hit him just right in the chest, and you just like go back like 10 feet. It's like they're almost like sliding on the pavement. Like, their sneakers are burning into there and just like skidding back 10 feet just to push them off you. Like-

Eric (as mean kid): What – Hey, I just want to look at your jacket. What the hell? What the fuck?

Julia (as Val): Don't mess with me.

Eric (as mean kid): Alright. Fine, Geez you just told me you didn't want to touch it. Fine. Fuck you.

Julia: Hey, hey, fuck you.

Eric (as mean kid): Hey, fuck you. 

Eric: Alright. I think the three of you are sitting down eating this carbonara at Dr. Morrow's table, you're feeling all these memories as you're eating the pasta and talking about them with each other. And you – It feels right. Like, you've always been people who can defend yourself and defend others and want everyone to feel wanted. And suddenly there that you have an opportunity to do it. And it feels – it feels good. It feels like, all of a sudden, something snaps into place and be like, “Oh, this is the track. This is what I'm doing.” And you feel warm inside, and it's only a little bit from the carbonara”

Julia: It’s a lot of it from the Carbonara, but okay.

Eric: Dr. Morrow and Dez and January come back in and be like-

[Heroic Music Starts]

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): “So, did you – did you all decide on anything?

Amanda (as Aggie): We're ready to be heroes.

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): Dr. Morrow says, “Well, at the risk of having to get down to business, she's holding one of those like architecture containers that have maps in it. She puts it on the table, pops out a map, and lays it out. And it – it’s like a blueprint of the Lake Town District as a whole, but there's something below it. There's an entire structure that is below Lake Town.

Amanda (as Aggie): Whoa, these aren’t – these aren't sewers, are they?

Eric (as Dr. Morrow): No. This is where the nephews actually hang out.


[Theme Music]


Transcriptionist: Rachelle Rose Bacharo

Editor: Krizia Casil