Afterparty: Join Me Outside I & II

How does the fame modifier come into play? How much of the real world will we tackle in Lake Town City? And what tattoos do the characters all secretly have?! All those answers and more in the Afterparty!

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Cast & Crew

- Dungeon Master, Co-Producer: Eric Silver

- Co-Host (Milo Lane), Co-Producer, Editor, Sound Designer, Composer: Brandon Grugle

- Co-Host (Val Vesuvio), Co-Producer, Editor: Julia Schifini

- Co-Host (Aggie O’Hare), Co-Producer: Amanda McLoughlin

- Multitude:

About Us

Join the Party is a collaborative storytelling and roleplaying podcast, powered by the rules of Dungeons and Dragons. That means a group of friends create a story together, chapter by chapter, that takes us beyond the tabletop to parts unknown. In the first campaign, we explored fantasy adventure, intrigue, magic, and drama. In the newest story, we tackle science, superpowers, a better future, and the responsibility to help others.

Every month, we sit down for the Afterparty, where we break down our game and answer your questions about how to play D&D and other roleplaying games at home. We also have segments at the beginning of each campaign to teach people how to play the game themselves. It’s a party, and you’re invited! Find out more at


Amanda: Hey, hi, hello, and welcome to the afterparty for our new arc Join Me Outside numbers 11 and 12! 

Julia: Woo hoo hoo!

Eric: Yay! Catch me outside, how about that?

[Brandon laughing]

Eric: How about that? Join me outside, how about that!

Brandon: How about that:

Amanda: Lots to talk about! Lots of very good questions about our characters, and the worlds, but I think we should start probably with the new mechanic that was introduced in these two episodes. Eric tell us a little bit about the fame modifier.

Eric: Yeah absolutely! I think this is something that we discussed all the way back when we first started putting together these episodes. In the introductory stuff I wanted there to be like social ramifications because things happen outside of the telling of this particular story, and I thought it was interesting to kind of incorporate some of that, and I realized because I was too busy giving you all origin stories, and creating you into freaking people, and giving you likes and dislikes—

Brandon: How dare you!

Eric: And giving you families and shit, that I didn't get a chance to put this in to the game yet so I wanted to kick it off with a bang. I also pulled some storytelling ideas from powered by the apocalypse systems, that when you roll skills with that and it's a it's a d6 system, so you might get something from two to twelve, but there's a lot of like success, mixed success, failure states with that. and those aren't just like you fucked up! It's like these things happened, you need to answer these questions. So that was something that I was trying to get at with the failure or the mixed success, the success, and extreme success with those episode 11 and 12 I feel like is when I'm we're really cementing the relationships that you have with the rest of the world, and not just with the main plot here. So introducing someone to for Val to crush on, and their further extended family, Milo's friend group, and really getting into the nitty-gritty of who oh no I can't do this off my off my head Aggie Danny 

Amanda: Cassie.

Brandon and Eric: Cassie?

Julia: Kelly.

Amanda: Yeah.

Eric: Kelly Ryan—

Julia: Reagan Ryan Quinn!

Eric: Reagan Ryan Kelly Quinn, uh really diving into those people, and Aggies relationships with them. I feel like we really got to do and then this was like the relationship that you all have with the city considering how you have started fighting crime throughout the fall which is what we did in episode 10. So this was kind of just like the mechanics to put this stuff together, and I really liked how varied everything was. I thought that was wonderful there were ramifications for Milo making a bunch of turkeys dance. 

Brandon: Uh, they didn't dance, they fought evil!

Julia: They marched into battle which is somehow worse?

Eric: That's worse.

Amanda: It was really the animation of the turkeys, and not what they did once animated, that was the issue for me. 

Julia: It was the dead turkeys running around.

Brandon: I took a second to realize that Tuna was the leader of their organization, so really this is all Tuna’s fault and none of it was Milo—

Eric: No actually surprisingly Milo does things that are bananas, and then they have consequences it's so weird.

Brandon: I don’t think so, I think it was Tuna—

Eric: It’s so— what I think is also interesting is that because of what I rolled on the entanglement table, is that this was related to government secrets being taken by the professor or by the emperor, this also had ramifications in a different way that the government was trying to cover up this bananas thing that Milo instigated, and of course they did a bad job and now it's all over Reddit . Which I found very funny.

Brandon: It was very funny. There's a blooper that I couldn't get in because just because of the way it was edited but uh we took about three minutes figuring out how we could take down Reddit , and it was very funny.

Julia: Yes! 

[Eric laughs]

Amanda: Aggie's huge on Reddit guys.

Eric: I feel like you said that too Aggie's like really good—

Amanda: It was in the blooper! It didn't make it in! I said that Aggie was was huge in like home renovation diy Reddit. 

Brandon: Oh yeah! That was yeah that was the joke, damn it. Yeah there was a it was there was some like editing reason I couldn't get it in there—

Amanda: But that's what the afterparty's for that's— that's why you come!

Brandon: That's true!

Eric: You come so that we can tell you to join our Patreon so that you can get the bloopers.

Amanda: [Laughs] It wasn't designed as a funnel! But you know there you go.

Eric: Now it's a funnel.

Brandon: Join us outside, in our Patreon!

Amanda: I like it.

Eric: Join us outside, listen to the game join us inside we have cookies—

Julia: And hot cocoa! 

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda: Players how did we feel about rolling and needing to narrate our own bad consequences if that's what ya rolled?

Julia: I only rolled good consequences.

Brandon: Wooow okay, Julia!

Amanda: Wooooow.

Brandon: You're out of this conversation then.

Julia: Byyyyeee!

Amanda: Team player there, well I quite liked it yeah. I liked the opportunity to like own the consequence, and to have some say in what happened the sort of example that always comes to mind for me when talking about d&d to new people is to say like oh yeah you know like you say hey I want to jump from roof to roof and then you roll and if you you know get a 20, then you vault over it and no one sees you and it's amazing you make no sound and like you get recruited to a circus,

[Brandon laughs]

Amanda:  And if you you know roll a 1 then you fall and hurt yourself. But um I like the chance to get a little more detailed than that, and to think about you know from my perspective what would actually be a you know frustrating and potentially dangerous consequence, and it's you know someone that I work with being actively against my interests.

Brandon: I love that you like at your decision-making process it's like you were like “alright what's actually gonna be like really relevant, and good and like gonna make my character have consequences.” And I'm like what would be the funniest bullshit that Milo could get into?

Eric: Some might say that's the differences between each of your playstyle.

Brandon: But yeah no, I loved it too. I especially loved Eric your list of questions, I think they were really great to choose from, and yeah I liked that Milo made a dumbass decision like he always does.

Eric: I think that's worthwhile though, because a lot of the things that and this is also related to Val’s success which I'm going to ask you about, Julia next. Is that sometimes people don't like you for a random reason, or people don't like you for a good reason, and also people like you for a dumb reason, or people like you for like a very relevant reason. So whatever however you answer it is fine because there is a world and a story happening outside of what we're necessarily playing in the main quote-unquote main plot of this game. If you are all out there fighting crime kicking butt. Oh my god the councilman thing is incredible, there was something that I've been really trying to itch at which is people not being excited that this is happening, and I think that we introduced a little bit of that when we were trying to do the story building of like does Dr. Morrow have a mayoral candidate against her? And now we're introducing this in a different way so thank you for creating this person. But it's also like oh I just love this like things just build on each other, it's like the detail, and now we're fleshing it out and now it can touch this in a different way. To Amanda what you said about the rolling of the demand of the d20, honestly I find that this is a flaw in the game d&d is that you say a thing, and then you roll it and then I tell you how well it went or not went. But if you introduce these things that we've talked about is like what are things that you want your players to fill into your world, like what we did with Dr. Morrow's kitchen. It's like well no I want you to answer this question I have come up with the questions, but you should tell me the answer which gives you more agency but then I don't have to do anything and then the world grows because of what you say which is incredible. So now the Astros as Milo loves it so much obviously my this is a relationship between Kilonova and Milo are people gonna notice that Kilonova also has the same favorite Astros as Milo does? And then everything we talked about with Aggie sitting in the city council meetings while the Preserver's out there kicking butt, and then of course now Val. Is Val going to let Vulcani's internet fame go to their head?

Julia: No, probably not.

[Everyone laughing]

Eric: Okay, oh good! I'm glad we answered that. 

Amanda: I'm just glad tumblr's alive and well somewhere. 

Brandon: I had to ask Lauren about what all the tumblr shit was when I was editing because I was like “is this funny? Is this good? Like is this a joke? Is this a mistake? I have no idea.” 

Julia: Did Lauren say it was good? 

Brandon: Yeah of course she did! 

Julia: Alright cool just making sure that I got the Lauren Shippen seal of approval.

[Brandon laughs] 

Brandon: I honestly couldn't tell Julia if you were editing yourself or if like the f was like a tumblr thing no.

Julia: It's “f yeah whatever”

Eric: F yes superhero fashion is the new thing yeah. Also this is related to the first one, now I got to write the tweets in the future but that backfills to episode 11. So it's like that was a tease for episode 12 for things I already knew that we had put together, which was a wild thing to do and I think was incredible, and I was really really stoked that I was able to do that.

Brandon: Yeah.

Amanda: All those tweets were extremely good. I just next stop if you haven't listened to it y'all is full of amazing tweets, and texts that Eric writes and Brandon sound designs and it is incredibly fun.

Eric: I had my phone not on silent for the first time in forever. I guess I just like flicked the switch accidentally, and I was texting and I heard the little taps and taps and toots, and I was just like “oh wow that is what it sounds like!” Brandon really nailed that.

Brandon: [Laughing] Taps and toots is the best way to describe that sound.

Eric: Yeah because this is like bop bop bop—

Brandon: I'm gonna go rename my sound effect file right now okay.

Eric: The low sound isn't even a tap anymore, it’s like it's like you're typing on a broken typewriter. It's like click click click click clack bwah.

[Brandon laughing]

Eric: So taps and toots.

Amanda: Why don't we get into a couple episode specific questions, and then we have a lot of just really fun kind of general world and character related ones.

Brandon: Sweet! 

Julia: Hell yeah!

Amanda: From episode 11 Mia Schloss on instagram would like to know the Sommelier’s  weapon coming out of her body why? Also how is she a powered person from the diaphram incident?

Eric: Wonderful, I'm going to answer this a similar way that I answered the other thing, if you haven't watched Static Shock, there was just like the big explosion, and then lots of people who you put into your story now have powers. So the way that diaphram has been distributed and whatever happened around 1983, whatever some people have powers, and we don't necessarily zoom in on their story as we did with our three main characters. They're just like some people have powers now. I think that's the weird thing it's like these children of people who just kind of like looked great for a long period of time, now they have powers Julia I'm gonna throw this to you. Hey Julia can you give some background on the power of having things come out of your body that are weapons?

Julia: Yeah if I remember correctly from the superhero wiki, it's called like “item factory” or like “body factory” and basically you're able to produce items that come out of your body, there's various different like versions of that one you can see in My Hero Academia, which is basically the same power that you described but there's also stuff like Marrow from the X-Men who can pull bones out of her body and use them as weapons, or even someone like Husk from the X-Men who can shed her skin and have a like different form underneath such as like a pure diamond form, or a magma form or something like that.

Brandon: There was a 50/50 chance that when you threw to Julia, Julia was going to say “well how I do it is that—”

Julia: Yes when I pull spears out of my body, here's what happens.

Eric: When I rip off my skin, I have my podcaster form underneath.

Julia: That's true. That's why there's so many wolves in me, because they're all actual wolves.

[Eric and Brandon laughing] 

Eric: Julia pulls off her skin and there's a pack of wolves standing there.

Julia: It's true.

Amanda: Speaking of items hakunayourtatas in the discord see guys if you join the Patreon, you can be in the discord, you can make your name whatever you want, and then if you ask great questions I have to read your name.

[Everyone laughs]

Julia: That’s true.

Amanda: I'm opening myself up here to abuse of this system, but in exchange for your Patreon support I'll do whatever! Alright hakuna says does Eric have a big table of gadgets that Dez and Dr. Morrow could make, or do you create them as you go along depending on how the story progresses?

Eric: No I don't have a big table like I did with the last one because I was very much inspired by TAZ balance at that time where they had the gosh bond subsystem and I wanted to do something similar to that, and that was kind of like what Doov N Boosters was from campaign one. Right now I think that this is more like if someone can invent them for you, I think that it's more story dependent. While in a fantasy world you'd be like I go to the store and I buy magic axe so I don't need like a store inventory, I just hey Dez can you make this for me?

Julia: So we can't go to the store and buy magic axe in Lake Town City?

Eric: You can go to House Warehouse and buy like a really nice light fixture.

Amanda: Milo can get you a replica on ebay, I bet.

Brandon: I bet there's a hatchet at a House Warehouse.

Eric: Yeah but it's not like a magic hatchet.

Brandon: That's true. 

Amanda: Any hatchet is a magic hatchet if you're skilled enough.

Julia: It's not a +3 hatchet is what Eric is saying.

Eric: In Aggie’s hands it's a +3 hatchet.

Julia: That's fair.

Amanda: But again like it's it's really fun to be a part of something like item generation, and in this case Eric asked if any of us had items we definitely wanted, or you know skills, or things that we wanted to augment. So like for Aggie you know don't have any like counter spells or anything so neutralizing someone else's power or effects would be really helpful.

Eric: So to that point, I have heard your pitch but spoily corner eyes emoji.

[Brandon and Julia laugh]

Julia: Who can say?

Amanda: Who can say what will happen? Julia are valen Hitomi exclusive? Can we have a 10 minute one shot of a Valtomi date, please Eric. Thank you HamiltonOtto.

Brandon: Oooo.

Julia: I like that. I don't think that they've had that exclusivity conversation yet, but I would be down for a ten minute one shot Hitomi date.

Eric: Alright guys get in the Patreon, Julie and I are gonna go into awkwardly role play a date for ten minutes.

[Brandon laughing] 

Julia: My favorite way of playing d&d, awkwardly role playing dates.

Brandon: Is there another way to date?

Julia: No!

Eric: That's true, good one, good point. I did already make Julia cry as her DM, so I think flirting with her on a date, that's totally a thing.

Julia: Yeah totally fine, yeah.

Eric: I like having Julia here because she emotionally responds to my things, while Brandon and Amanda are like cool alright let's keep going with the episode.

Amanda: I’m so focused on the fun of the story Eric!!! I'm so in the world I'm lost at the fiction!!

Brandon: I don't have emotions so.

Eric: Yeah Brandon's like I'm gonna hear this four times later, so I'll process it later when I'm editing at two in the morning.

Brandon: That's actually real, yeah.

Amanda: Follow-up question for HamiltonOtto what has Emily Slaughter's group done during this time? How well-liked is Flyboy?

Eric: Great question! This is something that we get into in a few episodes from now, but it is something on my mind another thing that I've learned from other games such as Blades in the Dark is that stuff happens while you're not paying attention. So this is kind of what I was alluding to with Tegan's article is that over the fall Emily Slaughter got all of her ducks in a row, and really started pushing the promotion of the Upcountry Keepers. So theoretically they are more famous than y'all, and are out there doing stuff I think people do like Flyboy, and don't have the terrible association with Sour Anthony.

Brandon: No, that's not true.

Eric: But you do.

Brandon: That’s definitely not true.

Eric: But like you know Sour Anthony in his civvies like he's out there in a fucking Top Gun outfit flying around, munching on something.

Julia: He's still the same person!

Brandon: He's still eating?!

Julia: He still sucks.

Brandon: Does he still like sour beer? Or is he just like a sour person now?

Eric: I think he always liked sour beer, but you've seen him as a sour person.

Julia: Also nothing wrong with liking sour beer, so long as that's not your entire personality.

Amanda: Oh I love sour beer.

Brandon: Yes, true.

Eric: I thought his entire personality was he could fly.

Julia: Maybe when he's in his flyboy persona.

Eric: So the thing is that I do think the Upcountry Keepers are well liked. I think Emily has really worked her city connections, and does know how to put on a very nice face to other people, and there is like we talked about right when she showed up in that warehouse. There isn’t an earnestness to her which is true. Like it's definitely grading as we've seen, but I do think that she believes in this stuff. She's not faking it, like she does want to be a hero and wants everyone to know it so that she can do the thing. I think that's really the thing underneath is that she's kind of doing it—she's doing it like she's a politician, so it just it looks pretty fake to us who are the secret underground team just doing their own thing.

Brandon: Yeah. I would also like to note that it is officially the Upcountry Keepers, anytime that you may or may not hear another version of it in the show, just like in your head just here [in a robotic voice] Upcountry Keepers.

Eric: I think I got upcountry— every time I said Upcountry Keepers.

Brandon: No.

[Julia laughs]

Eric: Oh no what are the other things?

Julia: Yeah give us the variety, what's another way of saying that?

Brandon: There's avenge up-county is the other way, and then oh there's avengers and—

Amanda: That's just a mouth typo.

Eric: It wasn’t— I knew it was in avengers, I thought it was avengers, but then I was like “no it wouldn't be avengers” because I remember I did it because it was like the Great Lakes Avengers was the play I was doing on it. So it wasn't that so it was Upcountry which is like the high school, and then Keepers was the avengers word. So I know it's Upcountry Keepers, I just didn’t say it.

Brandon: No, I know. I'm just saying, yeah.

Eric: Anyway Upcountry Keepers

Amanda: Rah-rah asks: Eric what do you do when you get a creative block when coming up with story lines do you have a process or is it a sort of like “fuck it I need coffee/chocolate situation?”

Eric: Hmm this is a good one for me—

Brandon: Or is it locks or like a bagel or like h cold brew or like hmm—

Julia: Topo Chico?

Eric: Topo  Chico, yeah. Yeah I chug a Topo Chico and like I'm ready to go.

Amanda: Burp once and then you're good to go.

Eric: It's a real— it's a real Popeye situation. For game mechanics I just need to sit down and do it it's a lot like my other writing, it's just like I need to do this thing, and I need to pull it out of my brain, and I need to put it on the page. Because if I don't I'm going to forget it and I need to have something to reference. Because a lot of the stuff that we do on dungeon and dragons is improv, so it's not as singularly important but like if I do need game mechanic stuff like if I'm making a table for you, I need hard and fast things that I do not want to change, and I want to remember because I want this to happen. For example Salimoni needs to have slicked back hair, and a really small cross necklace, I need to write that down. So that I need to just sit down and grind out. In terms of coming up with things I really keep it ambiently on in my brain. There's a theory of creativity that you need to do other things so that your brain can just kind of wander, and I feel like I have ideas for the game in the back of my head running whenever I'm doing something. So if I'm watching tv, or if I'm playing video games, or I'm in the shower honestly just like spacing out, then I think of things and then that's when I go “hehehe” and put hehehe into the Slack.

Brandon: Oh my god.

Amanda: As a person who lives with Eric, sometimes I just look over and he's playing Gungeon, and watching a stream and then he goes “hehehehe”

Brandon: I can only fucking imagine that you hear just from the shower just “hehehehe” that is a nightmare. That's a nightmare situation.

Amanda: It's wonderful.

Eric: If by nightmare, you mean incredible, and turns into good content then yes it's a nightmare! But no it's something that I just try to keep ambiently in the back of my head, and just work on and think about. Because there are things that break that are the ways that stood the story moves, and the way that I see this all the time is like I come up with things then during the session we run it, and then it goes in a different direction, and then I come up with things and that. So it's a real conversation with the stuff that's happening in the session itself. I mean I wish I could already talk about the ways that this has changed— the story has changed from things y'all have done and how that really how it really pivots. I'm very— I'm very happy about it but yeah it's just something I keep in my head. The really big problem for me as a dungeon master, is that I want to tell someone immediately what I did, what I thought of before the game is played so that's when I hit up Mischa Stanton and I'm like “Mischa, you want to hear you want me to spoil the next episode for you?!” And Mischa’s like yeah! And then I tell them and they're like “oh nice” and Mischa helps me a lot. Mischa also helped me with these questions, as I was— we were just throwing ideas at each other it's nice having like another dungeon master around. I feel bad because I feel like I just like I just throw ideas at them, not even necessarily like “help me” it's just like “here's my notes!”

Brandon: Well thank you, and credit to Mischa Stanton for all the help that they've given us over the seasons.

Julia: That is the one thing I do miss about now being a player is I don't get to workshop ideas with you Eric as much.

Eric: Yes.

Julia: We only get to workshop Val ideas, and not campaign ideas.

Eric: I'm sorry, I can't tell you because I need you— I need you to make reactions and go “what?!” or—

Julia: Yes, that's fair.

Eric: That's the validation I need, Ghoulia.

Julia: That's what I'm here for.

Brandon: You can totally do it with me, I will not remember them so it's fine.

Julia: Valid.

Eric: Brandon, do you when you hear something that surprises you go [gasps] the next time, okay?

Brandon: Okay!

Eric: Or just put in a sound effect of you going— of you gasping.

Brandon: Okay that's a good idea, I'll just record all my emotes ahead of time yeah.

Amanda: Yeah just look at some pictures of corgis, and do your reactions, and then or like your niece or something and then you have them at hand. 

Brandon: Yeah!

Eric: If you donate to our Patreon, we'll get Brandon a sound board for him to backfill his emotions.

Brandon: I could actually probably do that with my keyboard.

[Eric and Brandon laughing]

Julia: Oh my god here's a related question.

Amanda: Cece would like to know from the discord: is Milo playing dumb to protect himself from embarrassment/guilt? Or does he legit have memory problems or semi semi-blacks out whenever the spirit surges, that kind of thing?

Brandon: Oh Cece, Milo is very dumb.

[Eric laughs]

Brandon: No Milo's not playing, I think when he is like you know half jokingly half knowingly talking about like “oh that wasn't me” like that's obviously knowingly, but I think when he we just spirit surge stuff it's not that he doesn't know what's happening, it's that the basic idea of his mechanic of his powers is that there are like literal spirits within him that initially he didn't really know how to at all to um sort of access or use and they would sort of like randomly come out. Um and so now if he's like honed his powers, he can still he has better control over like which one he chooses sort of like a a conveyor belt of spirits that you can just sort of choose from. And now uh there's less and less of those that are like random, but um the spirit surge is a sort of manifestation of those random spirits that attack at random times. So he's not he's not playing dumb, but he is uh useless.

Amanda: Alexis Renee J would like to know from Twitter: how long until Val ends up seeing their mom in a robe at Dr. Morrow's crying laughing emoji eyes emoji.

Julia: Oh no I didn't even see this one, I wasn't prepared.[Eric laughs]

Amanda: Any reaction Julia, or just a slow shaking of the head?

Julia: Oh god I don't want to think about it.

Amanda: Awesome, Perpetual Platypus in the discord if we were villains instead of heroes, what would our villain names be?

Brandon: Ooh fun I think mine would be Killer-Nova.

Eric: I think Kilonova works both ways.

Brandon and Amanda: It does. 

Julia: I was gonna say Vulcani I think works just as well on both sides too.

Amanda: Mine would be like the Devastating Forest Fires.

[Julia and Brandon laughing]

Amanda: I don't know anyone at— Julia you helped me come up with Preserver's name, what do you think?

Brandon: Like Extinct or like Extinctor maybe?

Julia: Yeah that's that's a good one, I think like something like Endangered like endangered species.

Eric: There's something about like ranger or something, like Ranger Death.

Brandon: I was just thinking that, Eric!

Julia: It's Ranger Danger!

Everyone: It’s Ranger Danger!

Amanda: Yes!

Eric: That's what it is.

Amanda: Love it.

Julia: That was going to be the original one and then Amanda said no.

[Everyone laughs]

Amanda: I did, I did say that.

Eric: It was very funny. Ranger Danger does sound like a name that Val says like “oh no here but like is ranger and danger, so you got to be ranger danger!” 

Julia (as Val): Ranger danger, or danger ranger.

Eric: [Laughing] Danger Ranger! Danger ranger is significantly funnier.

Brandon: Maybe that's what Val calls Aggie in the downtime.

Julia: [Laughs] Yes!

Amanda: Well speaking of which, party tattoos on Twitter asks I know you answered this in series one, but I'm wondering if you have any warm-ups for your new character voices. Mine is just uh accidentally getting too much like Julia's voice and then dialing it back. Because it's so close to where we're from that I just like some part of me is always ordering coffee in a deep Long Island accent, and uh it's hard for me to pull back.

Brandon: What does that sound like?

[Beat of silence]

Amanda: No. No, no I can't Brandon, if I do it I won't stop! Strict abstinence.

Eric: [With a thick Long Island accent] Hey welcome to Bagel Boss what do you got?

Amanda: [Quietly with a Long Island accent] A small coffee with shuguh.

[Everyone laughing]

Julia: Oh boy.

Eric: Incredible, so Julia you do you have any connection to Val's voice?

Julia: No not at all I don't know what you're talking about.

[Eric laughs]

Julia: No I get into Val's voice with a very specific phrase and it's “what you think is better than me?!”

[Brandon laughing]

Eric: And then I say “no Julia stop beating me up over Zoom” 

Julia: I'm sorry.

Eric: Stop reaching through the webcam, and punching me.

Brandon: Milo's voice is pretty much just like a normal guy's voice, so I don't really have to do much. I think he just sort of like he stumbles over his words in a different way than I do, like I have to like pause and think about stuff where Milos just continually talks until he finds it.

Julia: Yes and I feel like he kind of spirals upwards in terms of tone as he does that.

Eric: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Amanda: Very funny.

Julia: Like someone is slowly squeezing his throat. Just tightening up those vocal cords. 

Eric:I like the idea that you know like in google translate if you put a sentence into some other language, and then you bring it back to English I feel like with Milo you like put the robot voice that you had for Tracy on it and then you take it back out.

Julia: That feels right, yeah.

Amanda: Suspiciously hot on Twitter asks how many tattoos do the three of them secretly have? I think Aggie no tattoos hmm 

Julia: I think Val has a lot of like small tattoos, and a lot of stick and pokes that their friends have done.

Brandon: That's so fucking badass.

Eric: Are they hidden or are they open out in the open?

Julia: I think they're just all over, Val's always wearing a leather jacket though and long pants and boots. So it's not as if they're specifically trying to hide them, it's just they never take off enough layers for people to see them.

Brandon: That's hilarious.

Eric: For sure.

Amanda: I can picture like a classic tattoo sort of pin-up vibe like aesthetic for some of Val’s tattoos.

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: I'd like to think of their Val has like a giant cross tattoo on their back.

Julia: I thought about that, but no I think that's a little too gaudy for them, it’s not punk enough.

Eric: There's like in the gritty reboot of this there's like a shot of Val getting undressed and you take off your long sleeve shirt and you're from the back and you see the giant cross for the first time but it's half a shadow.

Julia: It's not Boondock Saints. Val is not in Boondock Saints.

[Eric and Brandon laughing]

Eric: It could be Boondock Saints! It could be!

Julia: Uh uh.

Eric: Oh wait does does Milo have tattoos? Did you get drunk one night and get like uh uh one of the captains tattooed on your chest?

Julia: Like a Green Lantern tattoo?

Brandon: Yeah, actually—

Amanda: Just William Shatner's profile.

Brandon: No I think Milo might— one Milo has to be professional at a museum so like he can't have anything visible, or like not it's not a lot—

Amanda: Oh come on, it's a cool museum!

Brandon: It's not a rule it's not like a written rule, but like you know he has to wear polos sometimes during the summer, so he wants to maintain decorum. I think he probably has like I'm trying to think of a you know how lots of people have like three threesome tattoos where it's like the deathly hallows, or like whatever you wanna whatever those things are what's like a four the trinity yeah but is there anything like a four? Because I'm sure I'm sure Milo, and Lucas, and Apple, and Zack have like four part tattoo.

Julia: All of them have Avatar the Last Airbender signs.

Brandon: That’s good!

Julia: Tell me quick what everyone's uh bending is. 

Eric: Oh I got this Lucas is— Lucas is fire. Zack Rose is air, Apple is earth, and Milo is water.

Julia: That checks out.

[Brandon laughs]

Brandon: Yeah so maybe it's that or maybe like you know, their favorite captains or favorite like insignia maybe— OHH. Okay maybe it's they each have the like name of the starship of their favorite captain like tattooed on there.

Eric: Ooh that's cool.

Amanda: That's a good one.

Brandon: Or something.

Amanda: I like that.

Eric: Oh I was envisioning you getting drunk one night and getting the face of Picard just like on your right breast.

Brandon: I just—

Julia: So he's always proud of you.

Brandon: I didn't— I did not say that we just don't talk about it.

Eric: Oh okay got it, got it, got it.

Julia: Also Brandon we would have seen that tattoo when Milo got all of his clothes burned off.

Brandon: [Laughs] That's true, that's true!

Julia: Right combat.

Eric: Yeah go back and edit this idea in.

Amanda: Well I cannot wait to ask you all more questions including Megan corner, and spoily corner. But first I'm going to run into the kitchen to refill our caramel corn.

Brandon: [Gasps] Yes! I love it.

Julia: Oooo!

[Transition note]

Eric: Hey it's Eric, for those of you who don't know Rosh Hashanah the beginning of the Jewish year is coming up this Friday, and for those jews out there who are celebrating Rosh Hashanah or jews out there who didn't know, hey Rosh Hashanah is on Friday! Congratulations Rosh Hashana shana tova. But I always liked that Rosh Hashanah was kind of like new year's, but it was happening in the fall because the fall always felt like the beginning of something. Like the summer we were sweating out, and now we can finally reflect on everything that's happened over this year, and I know it kind of matches on the school year, and maybe that's part of it because I was a high school English teacher there for a second, but starting the year off with the warm flavors of fall, like honey and apples and raisins and challah, and all having an amazing incredible Rosh Hashanah meal, it always just felt like the start of something new even if the fall was kind of the end of something. But you know you can start whenever you want it's a new year doesn't really mean anything anymore, so whenever you want to start again you can! Welcome to the midroll, I brought you apples and honey and it's delicious.

Thank you so much to the newest members of our Patreon family: Emma Hacker (great name) and Sean Murphy (great name). You make it possible for this to be our jobs, and in thanks for your support, we have some very special bonus stuff planned for our Patrons over the next few weeks. We talk about it a lot in this episode, so I don’t know if you need me to plug all of it here. So if you’re able to chip in, we want you to be a part of our community too! Today is a great day to join us for as little as $5 a month at Enjoy access to our thriving JTP Discord chat forum, bonus content from Campaigns 1 and 2, and so much more, and if you haven’t checked the Patreon in a while go check that! We changed the tiers a while ago and now that we’re on a monthly, your 1 or 2 or 5 dollars might not make sense in what you actually want. And it kind of messes for what we’re trying to plan for in our patreon. So go check that out! So if you haven’t done it before, or it’s been a while since you checked your patreon for Join the Party, go to 

Did you know that Multitude has FANTASTIC merch for sale? You do now! Buying merch is a great way to get something cool while supporting the shows you love. Now by popular demand, we have a brand-new o”hare family sticker for sale—Aggie Danny Cassie Regan Ryan Kelly Quin on your laptop, water bottle, whatever. And there’s also digital merch! We have No Capes: a guide to reskinning your D&D game to a modern or superhero genre, you have a creepy and cool coloring book from Spirits, wallpaper and ringtones from all your favorite Multitude shows! You gotta check it all out at

We are sponsored this week by BLASEBALL! You may be asking yourself, “I love dungeons and dragons, but I wish more things were like dungeons and dragons. Like what if baseball had consequences and incinerations and teams from infinite dimensions and things I did influenced the world. That would be awesome.” Well, let’s get you a hat for the new splort taking the internet by storm. Baseball is a free browser game of baseball where you choose your favorite team, bet on matches, and be a part of the fandom. But also, you can influence the world by voting on new mechanics, player stats, storylines, absurd world events, and opening the Cursed Rules of Blaseball that definitely affects everything, and everything is much weirder now. If you like the weirdness of Welcome to Night Vale, and the Cause and Effect of a D&D campaign, we have the game for you. Go to and catch the fever.  Let’s go Mills baby! LET’S GO MILLS! 

We are sponsored this week by BetterHelp, a secure online counseling service. They connect you with licensed counselors through their secure app, letting you message with your therapist and schedule live phone or video sessions. You can also message your counselor in between sessions if you’re worrying about something or think of a topic you want to cover in your next call. Because BetterHelp wants to help you find the best therapeutic match possible, it’s easy and free to switch counselors if need be. And BetterHelp is also more affordable than traditional counseling, with financial aid also available. You can get 10% off your first month of counseling by signing up at That’s better h-e-l-p . com / jointheparty for 10% off your first month. Better h-e-l-p . com / jointheparty. 

Finally, we’re also sponsored this week by Twenty Sided Store in Brooklyn, New York. Lots of you have been sharing pics of your hauls from online shopping at Twenty Sided, and keep them coming! And right now the only thing to sooth your brain besides BetterHelp is just kind of buying chotskies and things that you want, and dice are one of those things. So if you need dice, or even if you don’t need dice, but you really need dice, you’re gonna want to check out the selection at You can use code jointheparty for 20% off your online order. 20% off a D20! You gotta do it.

And now, back to the show!

[Transition note] 

Amanda: Back from the kitchen, is everybody enjoying their snack?

Julia: It's delicious!

Eric: [In a childish voice] It's all stuck on my teeth!

Amanda: Oh no!

Eric: Oh no! 

Everyone: Oh no Pwosovor! 

Brandon: Real quick can you do an impression of that kid with marshmallows in their mouth saying Preserver?

Eric: Okay uh so Izzy is at the fair, and put a giant blob of cotton candy in their mouth, and then the Preserver runs in and fights off like an army of bunnies that have been possessed, that are running into the carnival. And it was like 

Eric (as Izzy the kid): Oh Pwosovor! Whuh happened wimth the bunnies?!

[Eric laughing]Brandon: Oh no!

Amanda: And Izzy's toddler brother Ira is just standing there holding a balloon pointing.

Eric: Yeah!

Amanda: And like a lollipop falls out of his mouth.

Eric: Wow so cute!

Amanda: I wanted to open up with a sweet comment, not a question and best pitman you are the one person allowed to do this in the most recent episode Eric mentioned a co-worker of Milos. A preparator he pronounced it like a superhero for peppers, or a fancy device to get things ready it's actually pronounced preparator. It's tricky when you've only ever read a word and I appreciate all your hard work.

Eric: Ohhh.

Brandon: Yes this is first of all I want to say this was a fucking great way to send a correction. No one else is allowed to do it.

Amanda: Tank you very much. When you make a podcast thousands of people tell you the same thing because everybody thinks that they're the only person who hears it, and it's like everybody is acting with great intention, and then you get dozens of emails, and it's like oh my god, and it is it is crushing. So thank you best.

Brandon: So yeah be very kind, and be very nice, and like be like “oh look at this interesting fact I found!” But also too that is the coolest thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

Eric: Preparator yes I said preparatory. 

Amanda: It looks like preparator.

Brandon: It does. 

Eric: There's also like oh someone also said arc— like it's arch-i’ve-ist instead of arch-eh-vist or something they were less nice so we're not shouting out. Also to people who've only read words on the page, and have never said them out loud hey just say them out loud, the worst thing that happens is someone tells you you're wrong, and then you can harbor that in your in your soul, and get revenge on them later. But like that's really the worst thing that could happen so I did it. I did it and it got recorded for all the annals of time so! You just do it. It's okay you know bigger words than other people.

Julia: I'll share one to share the embarrassment I once meant uh to say ethereal, and I said urethral.

[Brandon laughing]

Brandon: Oh Julia! 

Amanda: That's great.

Eric: That's pretty good.

Brandon: I also think that that word preparator is a fairly new position, so not only is it like a hard word to read on the page and read aloud, but it is also a fairly new word that came out in the last like 30 years or something like that— 20 years?

Amanda: Also English? Made up.

Brandon: That's true.

Amanda: That's frankenstein's creature of different other languages, no one knows how latin was pronounced, and we all just try, and uh language is about meaning. So if— if you get the meaning, I'm always interested in new words and their pronunciations as just like a fun fact. But otherwise you're good, you get it! We get it!

Brandon: Language is about communication.

Amanda: Edgars wrote via email in your last afterparty you talked about current events in the world impacting our view on the police and the government in general, and I wanted to ask about current real-world situations impacting the game world so mostly Eric are you planning to incorporate current events into the game world, if so how much? Because it's an alternate universe with the discovery of diaphragm and the whole world being at the mercy of you and some dice, I believe this would give you enough leeway to change some stuff, like the police being reformed, the president not having the virus, etc.

Eric: Oh beans, um here's the thing that I learned from late night writers. Something that everyone asked them is like when Trump got elected every single reporter went to late night writers, and people who made comedy. I was like “oh man look at this wild and crazy guy, isn't this gonna make your job easier?” and then all of them said “no, this is terrible because the world is bad, and now we can't make jokes about it. Because of a regular world and then you make fun of it, but now it's just like it's already absurd” so that is similarly how I feel I have no interest in having a different world and putting in our current president current place, and the stuff of the virus— I mean this is in a different world hopefully if any sort of epidemic or pandemic would have happened a lot of people would have been more prepared, and a lot of people would have been all on the same side, we would have done stuff to curb this. But we didn't and like that's not a fun place to live in, as shown by us living in this world. So the things about like the president, and the virus, no I don't want to touch those. In terms of police reform I think that that is a very important issue and something that we do need to deal with with super a—superhero story. If we were doing a fantasy story it would have been like the idea of like a city guard, or people who protect you that is a thing that's just the truth like they're actually doing the right thing, and they're on your side. But I think that also ties to like some stuff that I said last time which is like tv shows, or books, or movies where police are valorized, and we assume they're always on the same side, and they're doing everything for goodness, and justice. Well that's not necessarily true. So I think that this idea as we try to examine the role of people who have powers who are trying to keep a society going, and doing stuff as wild shit starts happening, that is something I want to play with, and an interesting theme. But if I didn't have to touch it, I want to make a conscious decision to interrogate some of those ideas. Which is why we're keeping that and not touching the other ones, because that's not fun and not something I have, or I think any of us want to play with and have things to say other than like “wow really fucking blows huh?” I mean we touch ideas of related that like xenophobia, I mean isn't that all X-Men is the idea of xenophobia? There's something about an otherness of people with powers and people who don't and we're already seeing some of that with that councilman, so we're touching on themes that are happening. But no the president and the pandemic are not coming into this particular story.

Brandon: Yeah I'd be curious I'm always interested in how media reflects our world, and like I'm going to be super curious to see in the next like 20 years like what um like zombie stories, or other like disease stories are going to be like. Because I think with uh with you need like hindsight in order to like interrogate those things, and dissect them, and really like heal from them in media, and so yeah I think in the middle of them is not the right time.

Eric: Yeah I have no— like have you seen some of these like pandemic tv shows they're trying to try to come out? There was like a rom-com like love in the time of pandemic?

Brandon: No? What?!

Eric: Oh it was coming out on like ABC Family I'm like I have no interest in this, why would you do this?!

Brandon: No, it's not like people's families have been you know completely disrupted or or have lost loved ones it's not something we make light of.

Brandon: Quarantine’s not fun, it's just not.

Amanda: It's not done, we don't know how it ends.

Eric: We're still very much in the middle of it. Yes exactly, I agree with Brandon on that point, I think that monsters as metaphor and is always something that I find very interesting. But like we're right in the teeth of it ,so not really it's not a real fun thing to do. I'm not allowed to look at Julia's dice in person. Yeah that's that's the biggest thing I've had to sacrifice quarantine I can't look at Julia's dice rolls.

Amanda: I do think too that uh the idea of like people with powers is probably an an interesting kind of metaphor for like privilege, or societal power, in terms of you know what do you do with the power you have, and how can you put it to use to benefit those around you. I'm sure there have been uh scholarly papers written about that but just a little a little thought.

Eric: Yeah that's true that's something we we definitely— I think we talked about that like in the first few, what I was talking the theme episode all the way in the back like that was 100% something I wanted to do. What is the kind of person when you have power what do you do with it? We're already literally seeing it between the generational divide that uh everyone's parents didn't do much, and you are all doing stuff. That's kind of what Dr. Morrow was getting at in the first few episodes.

Amanda: I think it's time for a visit to Megan Corner who has sent in even more good questions!

Eric: It's from Megan good questions yeah!

Amanda: Who came up with Milo's friend group?

Brandon: I think I gave you like I probably have some friends at the museum and they probably all have different jobs, but I'm terrible at NPCs and names so go from there.

Eric: Yeah Brandon gave me archetypes of all of his friend group, and it's like here go and then he forgot about them, as you do. And then I just came up with them, and now we have this friend group. I'm really also starting to— and this is something I'm just very excited about that I've been noticing starting in episode 12. I've really been getting into like who these people are more so, I feel this way about Lucas now that he has three people to bounce off of instead of just Milo. And I feel this way a lot about Dr. Morrow, um but Dr. Morrow is becoming more and more Doc Brown from yes like over and over and I love it so much. And I really feel like Lucas is becoming like super sheisty, and like very Get Rich Quick he's like Ed from Ed, Edd n Eddy. I just I love it so much. I'm sorry no he's he's Eddy from Ed, Edd, and Eddy. 

Julia: I knew what you meant.

Eric: Thank you, Julia, thank you. I have really needed the correction it was very important to me. So I'm really feeling some of these NPCs now um which I really enjoy.

Amanda: I decorate my walls with lots of stuff, crafts, photos, polaroids, what do your characters cover their walls in?

Julia: Band posters.

Brandon: Mmmm, mhm! 

Eric: Classic!

Julia: Not even in frames just like tack boarded onto the wall.

Brandon: Oofa doofa. I think Milo has like meticulously organized, and displayed all of his memorabilia from various films, and tv shows, and and things that he loves are all very well displayed. But his like bed has never made, and like his closet's a mess.

Julia: Hell yeah.

Eric: You have a shrine to all of Dr. Morrow's biographies, but you have—but your sheet is like half coming off.

Amanda: One day you're going to ask Dr. Morrow to sign them, but you didn't do it right away and so now that you know each other it's kind of weird—

Julia: And awkward.

Amanda: So absolutely uh will at some point in the distant future get some signatures. I think Aggie has some like vintage postcards, and maps from the Lake Town area that she has framed and hung in the cottage.

Eric: I like that you have like one set of string lights that Quinn sent you one time.

Amanda: Yeah! Appreciate it, Sushi likes them!

Julia: Very cute. 

Eric: These are Sersha Ronan, and yeah I thought you should have them, you tried to throw them out.

Amanda: And I don't realize they cost like $2,000. Yeah when I have to replace the bulb, we're gonna find out. Speaking of which Milo has Tuna, Aggie has Sushi, what would Val's pet be?

Julia: Val has the dogs that they dog walk, Val doesn't need to own a pet.

Amanda: No—no pets at home? You just have like your sauce making pot?

Julia: I have a studio apartment, you want me to put a large dog in there? No.

Brandon: [Laughing] I like that Amanda just insinuated that your pot was like your pet.

Julia: Like I have a basil plant that's my pet.

Amanda: My dutch oven is a valued member of our family.

Eric: I like that. Val strikes me as someone who's like a dog uncle. Like you’re renting them, and then you're like “alright go back to your owners!”

Julia: Yep!

Eric: And don't poop in my house! 

Brandon: I mean that's the dream.

Eric: You're also someone who strikes me as like who has big fish energy. Like you have a giant aquarium with like three really large beta or like fighting fish.

Julia: I think that requires too much effort, and I think Val likes a cuddly animal. Like if they had a pet, it would be a dog but I don't think that they feel like they would be a responsible pet owner. So they don't own a pet. It's part of the reason they took up dog walking as a side hustle.

Brandon: What a mature and responsible adult human being, if you can't take care of an animal don't buy an animal.

Julia: It's very punk to be a responsible dog owner.

[Amanda laughs]

Amanda: Speaking of being punk, what are your character's favorite music to listen to? Or do you listen to something else? Podcast etc. 

Brandon: We talked about this when we were doing our first episode, about like what our background music would be.

Eric: Yes! I took that from that was the introductory music as as we went in and we zoomed into your first environmentsm I remember that.

Amanda: Oh yeah!

Eric: Like Milo's was like some Devo like 80’s style, like Val obviously loves some loud music. I feel like you had some Billy Joel like Bruce Springsteen stuff classic rock happening?

Amanda: Yeah I think like Grateful Dead, Doobie Brothers or something along those lines. 

Eric: I feel like I also touched on that a little bit when I made the playlist for each of the characters, um for Milo it was like a lot of a lot of that sort of like bouncy, and weird stuff.

Brandon: Anything that you would go to like a show for and like it's just a bunch of awkward lanky white teens, and they're just like dancing like weirdly you know? Like no one's on drugs or anything they're just fucking weird.

Julia: They're just ska-ing the hell out of the whole situation.

Amanda: Just doing their thing!

Eric: What I do I remember for for Milo's playlist: I took a lot of stuff that Griffin McElroy has recommended on Wonderful and then I added some ska. 

Brandon: That sounds right.

Julia: Feels right.

Eric: For Val’s, it was more like loud rock, and stuff. I did a lot of like Riot Girl and female fronted punk. But for Aggie, Aggie I had such a specific sense of Aggie liking indie rock from the early to mid aughts, and like your music taste hasn't changed. Like you're still listening to Bright Eyes.

Amanda: Yeah I mean—

Brandon: That's not a bad thing Eric!

Amanda: Why would you replace it?

Eric: It's not! iI's just like, well I still make playlists like this. But I have playlists from college that I made, that I remember and I'm like “oh I'm just gonna pull all of these songs” and then this is Aggies playlist in 2020. 

Amanda: It's a real time capsule in a good way!

Brandon: Yeah.

Eric: Join the Patreon you can listen to them. Just so you know. 

Brandon: Go buy Bright Eyes’ new album! 

Amanda: Because the campaign takes place in the modern day, do your characters have any favorite social media? As discussed, Aggie huge on Reddit!

[Everyone laughing] 

Eric: Which subreddits does Aggie traffic?

Amanda: DIY, woodworking, different like homesteading, and like small-scale farming, permaculture huge with Aggie. Home renno, and she'll be in there being like “uh hey I don't know if you guys consulted a structural engineer, but like you just cut a support beam so I would just check that out, just looking after your safety, sorry man!”

Eric: Is Aggie big on power washing porn?

Amanda: Oh definitely yeah!

Brandon: Does Aggie like the one that like you fit uh small things perfectly inside of slightly larger things?

Eric: Oh oddly satisfying yeah yeah yeah.

Amanda: There's oddly satisfying, there’s perfect fit, which is things fitting perfectly.

Eric: Oh I didn’t know there's a specific one there, like most of—Amanda: Then there's like organization porn, where they'll do like the flat like the the flat lay situation. It's just very soothing. 

Brandon: Nice.

Eric: I just want to talk about power washing porn, because we skipped right over it, and it's very important to me.

[Brandon laughs]

Eric: Have you seen power washing porn?! It is the best!

Brandon: Yes, yes.

Amanda: It's very, very clear that the satisfaction is just that you see things that were dirty get clean, and that is the content of the videos in case you don't know what that is.

Eric: But we're using a power washer, which is like the most dangerous thing you can rent from Home Depot.

[Brandon laughing]

Eric: And yes I am also talking about the saws and stuff, power washers are more dangerous.

Julia: Okay!

Eric: True! Have you— I've been— I've seen those those are dangerous! They can like flay you that's real shit! 

Brandon: If you get like a professional one, like the homeowner ones are not very powerful. 

Eric: They can be. But you haven't turned them up to 11 Brandon.

Amanda: I think you know that a saw is dangerous, but not everybody may know that the pressure of a power washer is dangerous.

Brandon: Yeah. What about you Julia? What's Val social media?

Julia: I think that was really into myspace, and then when that fell off they just kind of were like “what's the point?”

Amanda: Very well adjusted.

Eric: Yeah apparently tumblr is still doing well though.

Julia: Yeah.

Amanda: Yeah!

Eric: Maybe tumblr is owned by Morrow Corp instead of Yahoo, and they kept all the porn, so it's okay.

Julia: Yeah and they stopped making silly changes to it.

Eric: And they actually— and then Dr. Morrow looked at it and we're like “why are— these ads make no sense? Can we run real ads?” 

Julia: No! The ads are so good. Dr. Morrow made it so the ads are rebloggable finally.

Eric: Yes! Exactly! That's— she actually monetized them, and made the ads reblocable 100% that's hilarious!

Brandon: I think Milo isn't much into social media, he probably has a twitter. I don't think he really keeps up with it that much. He does give ideas to the museum social media person occasionally.

Amanda: Nice.

Julia: See Milo feels like a secret tumblr person to me. Just because full fandom.

Brandon: Well see that is entirely possible, and like probable. But real life Brandon knows jack shit about tumblr, so he would not be able to role play that.

Eric: Brandon, Lauren's right there just get her.

Julia: Lauren’s right behind you!

Amanda: Or maybe individual like fan forums that were started in like the early aughts for the franchises that he likes.

Brandon: Yeah cause Milo's definitely more of like a collection fandom, as opposed to like a um uh what he calls the interactive fandom, or whatever so he probably less tumblr, more like forums for sure.

Eric: Yeah, you might be —you might be a discord person. I feel like there are discords for ebay stuff that you might be on.

Brandon: Oh yeah he does every in and out of ebay. Like he's on everything, it's not really quite social media, but he knows everything about ebay. 

Eric: Oh yeah.

Amanda: Ebay can be your social media if you try hard enough.

Brandon: That's true!

[Eric laughs]

Amanda: And here our final question in Megan Corner uh— buts spoily corner! They're intersecting, it's great!

Brandon: HAH! Amanda said a buts!

Amanda: A buts! Oh I was gonna say earlier I continued to this day maybe once a month I'll say a word that I realize immediately afterward I have never said and only read, so it happens to me all the time, and uh don't be shy fellow bookish kids who didn't talk much and just read, uh it's gonna be okay.

Eric: Here's a word I've never said out loud deciderous? Deciduous? Decision? Deciduous?

Amanda: Deciduous.

Eric: Deciduous! 

Julia: There you go. It's okay, Amanda and I constantly get into debates about how to pronounce necromancy, which Amanda thinks “ne-crow-macy”

Amanda: Oh I don't have a position, I just say it “ne-crow-macy” or I used to.

Julia: Okay!

Brandon: Ne-crow-macy? That's a lot more fun honestly, yeah.

Eric: I like the ne-crow-macmy yeah.

Amanda: I'm also I'm also consistently trying to get away from the Long Island “a” and so necromancy sounds like a thing that like my aunt would say. And so I'm like “ne-crow-mancy” please.

Brandon: How dare you hey god a long island necromancer would be such a good—

Julia: Oop, I just found my next one-shot character, thank you!

Eric: [In a Long Island accent] Ey, you gotta watch out uh, we're near Long Island, uh sunrise highway, there's some zombies there from a necro—necromancy.

Amanda: Necromancy! 

Julia: [In a Long Island accent] There's a necromancer over there! And he's really really fuckin’ things up!

Amanda: [In a Long Island accent] How's the nephew? He's a necromancer, you know. 

Julia: He makes good money though!

Amanda: Makes good money though! Oh god.

Eric: Pension.

Amanda: [In her regular voice] Oh, oh boy.

Eric: So I says to her I says :he's a necromancer!”

[Everyone laughing]

Amanda: Alright for the rest of spoilery corner, are you ready? I'm just gonna do them one by one!

Eric: Deciduous is the opposite of evergreen by the way.

Amanda: Yeah.

[Brandon laughing]

Amanda: Yes what are the rest of the O'Hare's powers?

Julia: Who can say!

Amanda: Who can say!

Everyone: Who can saaay! 

Julia: There's still a debate about what Quinn's powers are fully.

Amanda: Yeah! Rah-rah asks what does the Knight of Mirrors think of Emily, have they met is the Knight helping both sides?

Julia: Who can say!

Amanda: [Voice goes higher pitched] Who can say! 

Julia: We haven't heard from the Knight in a while.

Brandon: I mean almost oh most definitely.

Eric: Here's the—here's the thing guys, motorcycles don't do well in the snow.

[Brandon laughing]

Julia: That's very good, good point, thank you for that.

Eric: Yeah that’s when the Knight of Mirrors hibernates they're a bear, they've been a bear this whole time.

Julia: Oh okay checkst out. Oh Eric I have a question yeah when Hitomi and Val met was Hitomi trying to get Val to steal beers for her?

Eric: [Laughs] Yeah, 100%

Julia: Alright something I need to know about her character, I suppose.

Eric: Yeah I mean she she said that she was getting ignored by the bartender for like it's like 20 minutes, so she just wanted to take matters into her own hands. I think it was a real like can you just grab two beers and I leave a 10 on the table sort of situation.

Julia: It wasn't just like steal beers from me random person?

Eric: No Hitomi was ignored by the bartender, and you seemed like a regular, which is why she talked to you.

Julia: Yeah.

Eric: And that's how love bloomed.

Julia: Hmm.

Brandon: That is very much adult Brandon's move at this point, where it's like alright I've given you 15 minutes, I'm now going to do it in my on my own.

Amanda: Yeah that's my favorite kind of heist where it's like there's an inefficient system and I can just cut to the feeling uh as it were, and get the thing I need and get out.

Eric: So the heist that we're throwing for your 30th—

Amanda: Yeah thank you.

Eric: Are we not stealing money, but you just need to like make a wire transfer and no one will talk to you, so we have to heist it with guns, so that you can just make a wire transfer?

Amanda: I did uh the first thing I said to Eric this morning was “I figured out how to do a free wire transfer” because uh we could like upgrade our business checking account, and then if you have a certain minimum balance, then you have a free wire transfer but even if you don't have the minimum balance, it's still cheaper to have the monthly account fee with two free wire transfers, than to pay a $25 per wire transfer fee.

Julia: Wow, wow.

Amanda: That's adulthood.

Julia:  Wow.

Eric: Same.

Brandon: That's a heist!

Eric: That's a heist!

Amanda: Listen sometimes you gotta get through the minutiae of adulthood by pretending that administrative tasks are instead heists, and it's just working out for me.

[Brandon laughing]

Amanda: Well that is all for this afterparty, thank you for your questions. As always you can tweet to us, email us, or best of all leave them in the afterparty channel of our patron only discord. And thank you so much for listening along and for making fan arts, and jokes, and being excited about new episodes. It's very exciting for us to make stuff that not just we enjoy, but people say that they enjoy so please keep doing that!

Brandon: [In a deep gruff voice]It's the fuel that keeps us going! 

Eric: I mean yeah, you're right yeah.

Brandon: [Regular voice] I just said it in a cool voice, but it was real.

Eric: That's Milo's voice, when Milo gets a handle on his powers, he's gonna sound like this. Thank you for your January fanart, I want January to say “Fuck” that sounds great. He's my good special little boy, and one of my top five NPCs of all time. So uh just just keep doing it I like that! It's very nice.

Brandon: I would like it noted for my own just benefit, that I did not stop January from saying fuck!

Amanda: He did! He did in episode 12, he said fuck. 

Brandon: He did, I want the credit. 

Eric: He said fuck?

Julia: Yeah you said fuck.

Amanda: That we skipped the good joke corner, my only contribution was that I said piss which I thought was really funny.

Julia: That was a good one.

Amanda: But January said—

Eric: The joke corner was that an entire episode 12 .

Amanda: Yeah!

Eric: For patrons you saw, but I made an agenda that January was running for that meeting, and we all contributed to it in character. It was very funny.

Brandon: It was so much fun!

Eric: So that was that whole episode was just a good joke for me. Also Dr. Morrow showing up 20 minutes late no matter what is also was very on point for me. Oh sorry—this is related to really getting into Dr. Morrow when she said electrons, that has literally been flowing through me, that is like the energy that was like the moment that I understood what Dr. Morrow's character was.

Amanda: Right on well we will be back next week with uh lucky episode 13, and it's just— it's just getting, it's just getting up from here guys like this we have had so much fun these last few episodes, and you are really really going to enjoy them!

Brandon: Bye guys!

Julia: Later!

Eric: You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here cause there's a volcano?! What?!

Everyone: Oh noooo!

[Transition note]

[Theme music starts]